Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (17)

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Mr. Popularity & the Nerd (17)

"Oh look. The ugly duckling finally decided to dress decent for once," she laughed and continued  "Where's your little protector? Did you upset him somehow?"

"I'm her new protector so back off slut." Victoria stepped in. Oh this is not gonna be good.

"What did you call me?" Christy took a step closer in front of Victoria.

"Oh yeah. You heard me. But for your sake I'll repeat it because you just love being one don't you you slut?" 

"You know, I would stand here and continue arguing with you but people like you are a waste of my time." She pretended like she was bored and started looking at her nails.

"Yeah? People like me? You mean people with class? Yeah totally. WE'RE a waste of your time. Paris let's go before I break someone's nails." Victoria smirked, grabbed my hand and started pulling me away. I glanced back to look at Christy's reaction and it was just what Victoria wanted. She was shocked nonetheless. 

When we were out of their sight, she let go of my hand and we halted to a stop.

"Ohh dang Tori, you were on fire back there!" 

"Yeah, I'm just really sick of her. I don't think she'll be bothering you again." Tori stated.

"Uh yeah I think she will. Timothy said the same thing last time and she still bothered me."

"What did I say?" My 'boyfriend' said as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Oh Ridgeway Oak's hottest new couple is here." Tori said winking and Timothy just laughed.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I asked her.

"Every bit of it. Alright I'll leave you two alone now. I'll see you later Paris."

"Alright bye." I bid my friend goodbye and faced Timothy.

"Get your arm off me. People are staring." I said as I noticed girls pointing and whispering.

"Well let them stare. Come on I'll walk you to class." He pulled me along with him and walked me to my next class.

"Thanks. You didn't-" I was cut off with a pair of soft lips on mine. 

"You talk too much." He shook his head. "Everytime you talk more than you need to I'll just do this." He placed his soft lips on mine again. "I'll see you later babe." 

The most popular guy in school just kissed me! He just kissed me! His lips...

'Shut up Paris! It's just a kiss. Calm down. It's not the end of the world.' My brain spoke inside of me.

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