"I ain't no bitch-boy!"

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"For the last time, Craig, I'm not going to any stupid party!" Smitty snapped at his annoying roommate. He wished Craig could move back into his old dorm but Brian has Nogla as his roommate now.

"Oh c'mon, Smitty! I know you love to party, and Ohm invited some people from the North Community College. You could meet someone cute~" Craig suggestively wiggled his eyebrows and poked his Canadian friend until he was swatted away.

"No! I'm going to get all wasted again and wake up the next morning full of regrets. You know how I can get when I'm drunk.." Smitty shivered at the memory of the "Evan Incident". Delirious almost murdered him.

Craig rolled his eyes, "I'll keep you away from Evan this time." Smitty still wasn't convinced "Please, Smitty? I can't show up to a party alone, and I promised Ohm we'd go. I don't want to break a promise." Craig begged. Smitty huffed, he knew how sensitive Ohm could be and Craig was really desperate so....

"I'll go."


Craig dragged his small Canadian friend towards a huge gray house that had blaring music and bright colorful lights in the backyard. People were dancing, talking, drinking and some were in the pool. It seemed like all of the school and then some had shown up and Smitty did his best to avoid bumping into people. Hopefully it wasn't too crazy inside.


"Mini! Smitty! Glad you guys made it!" an obviously drunk guy in a gray rabbit hoodie and blue skinny jeans bounced over to the tipsy duo and Smitty chugged the rest of his drink before hugging the slightly older guy and laughing.

"Ay, Ohm-dog! Fucking awesome party man!" the white-haired male smiled and pushed his blue and red lensed glasses further up. Ohm smiled back and pulled away from the hug, looking between the flushed Craig and cheery Smitty.

"Do you guys want to play Dare or Dare with us?" The brunette asked, pointing a thumb behind him towards the kitchen. Smitty tilted his head to peer into the kitchen and saw some of their friends like Brian, Marcel, Anthony and his girlfriend, Tyler and his girlfriend,  and Evan along with some people he didn't know. Craig quickly agreed and pulled Smitty along back to the kitchen.

Craig squished between Brian and Anthony, quickly greeting them, and Smitty made sure to sit far from Evan(he didn't want Delirious to be mad) and ended up between two guys he didn't know. One guy was dirty blonde with blue eyes and light freckles, and the other guy had bleached fluffy hair pulled back in a small ponytail and nice blue-ish green eyes. The bleached-hair guy's outfit actually matched Smitty's own outfit. Smitty wore a white shirt with an orange button-up and black jeans, the guy wore a black shirt with a blue button-up and white jeans. The only difference was Smitty wore orange and black converse and the guy wore white boots.

"Alright, Craig and Smitty are playing now," Ohm said, taking his place next to Brian and Evan. The blonde guy next to Smitty elbowed him and waved, "I'm Cameron, call me Fitz." Smitty nodded, "I'm Smitty." "Is that your real name?" The bleach-hair guy asked. Smitty turned to him, blushing when he noticed how close they were and how cute the guy actually was.

"Um, no. It's Jaren but I prefer Smitty." his throat was getting really dry from the guy's studying look. He quickly reached over the cute guy and grabbed one of the full bottles of alcohol, taking a big gulp and trying not to blush while the guy obviously checked him out.

"Ha, well I'm John. Kryoz works too." "or Kryboygayman," Fitz added. Smitty took another big gulp when he noted how hot John's low voice was then let out a chuckle at the strange nickname. John's smile seemed to get a bit bigger when Smitty chuckled.

"Nice to meet you, John." Smitty smiled before tuning back in to the game they were supposed to be playing. He continued to drink as John's eyes burned holes in his back. The guy was undeniably Smitty's type, and when Smitty got a glance at the multiple rings, painted nails, and vape pen in John's pocket it somehow made the guy even more attractive. Maybe being next to Evan wouldn't have been so bad.

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