Marinette's P.O.V

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I can't focus. I just stare forward at the board as the teacher writes on it, the only thing on my mind is the hard, forceful punch to my eye, the warm tears running down my cheek and my eye burning with the feeling of pain and tears. Ladybug wouldn't put up with that kinda shit. If it was up to me ladybug would have threw him through the wall, I wore my mom's glasses that day to try hide the bruise. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the classroom door. I snap back to attention and look at the door. The teacher yells for the person to come in and the door opens. In walks a tall blonde boy with flowing hair and flawless skin, he flashed the most perfect grin as he walked in and his eyes were a perfect, peircing emerald green. My jaw dropped and I could tell I was staring when I felt my boyfriend, Nathaniel, kick the back of my chair. I look down. The teacher turns his attention to him "excuse me but who are you, young man?" She asks him and I hear Chloe scream "he is Adrien Agreste, only the best model in the whole wide world!" I turn to Alya. "Model?" I ask her and she pulls out her phone and shows me the cover of a magazine he was on. "I'm new to the class" he states. "Oh yes. Just sit on the chair in front of Marinette" the teacher says with a smile and he sits down. I can feel Chloe giving me daggers knowing that she wants to be closer to him.
    "Okay class, we will be working in groups of four today. So the desk in front will turn their chair so that you can join with the two behind you and be in a group of four" the teacher smiles and Adrien turns to face me with a smile.  "Hey!" He smiles brightly.
"H-h-hi" I stutter back. I notice Alya smirk as she starts to talk to Nino.
While he writes I can't help be mesmerized by Adriens face. He looks up and me and I instantly look down as I feel my face go red. " Hey Marinette. What happened to your eye?" Adrien asks and I feel Nathaniel stare at me from behind. "O-oh, it's nothing I just...fell" I smile. His face fills with concern. "Well as long as your okay?" He smiles back and I nod.
"Hey guys look at this!" Alya says as she  shows her phone to us  a news report is on her phone, "rock monsters attack on paris" Adrien and I read put at the same time then we both stand up as fast as we can and call out "miss, I need to use the bathroom" we glare at each other for a second then both run out of the classroom, he runs right and I run left.
"Tiki, time to transform" and within a flash of light, I'm no longer shy, boring normal girl Marinette. I'm brave, saviour of France, superhero ladybug. I fun out to the street and swing my yoyo up and latch it to a building and swing from building to building until I am outside of the mayor's home. A huge man made of stone stands there destroying cars. "Hey rock head! Leave these innocent civilians alone!" I stand up straight, swinging my manic yoyo.
"Hey, that's my line" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see a tall blonde man in a leather panther costume. Another superhero I'm guessing, I see the miraculas in his ring. "Who are you?" I question him. "Catnoir and you are, malady?" He replys with a smirk. "Ladybug" I glare at him.
"Well ladybug, are you going to help me defeat this hardhead or do you want to continue getting to know each other over dinne" he laughs and I charge towards the monster "you wish!" I call back I hear him laugh as he follows close behind me toward the rock man.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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