Chapter 1

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"Mom who was at the door?"

"Oh um just a friend of mine."

"Okay I'm going out with Natasha and Rachel see you later!"

"Okay be back by 9 Lexi, we have some guest coming over for dinner."

"OKAY BYE" I shouted as I ran out the door with my car keys.

'Where will I meet you I have some BIG news!' I texted Rachel

'Meet us at Starbucks near Dublin shopping centre '

'Kk see you then'

I arrived at Starbucks ten minutes later.

"Hey guys!"

"Hi Lexi." Natasha and Rachel said at the same time.

"So what's the big news!" Rachel questioned

"Okay so I over heard my parents talking, and the were arguing my mom was shouting why didn't you tell me before we got married then my dad said I didn't think it was that big of a deal!"

" What did they say after that!" shouted Natasha.

" Um my mom said what a great time for our son to be coming home, with all this just blown up in my face then it went really quite. That's when my mom shouted that she wanted a divorce and my dad to be gone before Jason got here!"

"OH....MY....GOD!" Was all Natasha and Rachel could say.

That's when the door opened and in came the one and only Jason Collins.

"Jason what are you doing here your not supposed to be home until next week!" I said as a gave him a massive hug.

"I got off early and I wanted to surprise you!"

You see Jason is in the army and is stationed in Afghanistan so I don't get to see him that much.

"Hey Rachel, hey Natasha."

"Hi Jason."


"Ya Jason."

"Where's dad when I got to the house he wasn't there or any of his stuff?"

"Well um....."

"Yes Lexi go on!"


"Lexi just tell me already!"

So then I told him everything that happened.

"What are you talking about mom and dad would never get divorced!"

"That's what I thought" I said as I started to cry.

Jason then pulled me into an embrace and said everything will be alright.

"I don't no what I'd do with out you" I said to Jason as I hugged him.

"Well we better get home to ask mom where dad is" Jason said with a smirk as I laughed at him.

"Well what are we waiting for then?" I asked "lets go!"

Jason drove back home in my car since he had gotten a taxi to Starbucks.

"So what should we say to mom?" I asked to break the silence.

"I'm just going to ask her straight out where is dad." Jason said.

The rest of the car journey was silent but not awkward just nervous.

When we got home mom was nowhere to be seen so all we could do was wait for her to come home.

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