Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


Caspian’s nose flared up in disgust as his eyes narrowed in on Mason sucking face with the infamous redhead just a few feet ahead of us. I mean, I didn’t blame Casp, he technically did gain the rights to her after Mason blew her off. Judging by the hands making their way up his shirt, Mason had changed his mind.

“I can’t look at this boneheaded panty-dropper any longer,” Caspian spit, straightening his very pink tie. I took a quick glance at his appearance: tight fitting expensive gray trousers, a very silky light blue button-up, (the sleeves rolled up, of course) and costly brown loafers that could probably buy me a small condo, and even six months rent. Yeah, Casp lived the high life. One day last year, he received a shit ton of money from some random dead relative he knew nothing about, so naturally he went for shopping spree and updated his whole wardrobe. He had always valued good style, and school was no exception.

With a slight nod to Dallas and I, Caspian began to strut down the hallway in the direction of the two kissing, presumably going to the library. But before he could get anywhere too far, Tessa’s eyes shot open—probably at the whiff of his Armani cologne—as she pushed Mason away and nearly threw herself at Caspian, who was still walking straight ahead with no desire to socialize.

“Caspian!” Tessa’s shrill voice rang throughout the hallway as she grabbed Casp’s arm, stopping him in his tracks. He took a deep breath, then turned to face Tessa an annoyed look on his face, a tight smile playing at his lips.

“Tessa, darling, it’s nice to see you, but I have things much too important to do and really don’t have time for whatever it is you need,” Caspian responded, his English accent leaking out of his mouth, his eyes flickering over to Mason every other word.

“So take me with you,” Tessa demanded, still confident in her Caspian induced star-struck gaze.

Casp sighed, rubbing his temples slightly, then his eyes found Mason again. “What happened to you and this bloke?” Caspian asked her, nodding over at our pack mate. “Thought you didn’t want my sloppy seconds, mate?”

Mason stepped up, placing a hand on Tessa’s shoulder, somehow regaining his cocky smirk that had disappeared the second Caspian walked by. “I lied,” was all that he said.

Caspian’s eyes began to shine mysteriously as he exchanged a stare with Mason that I couldn’t quiet understand. Then, he leaned down and grabbed Tessa’s hand, shooting an eyebrow at Mason as he did so.

“Then let’s get a move on Tess.”

Tessa smiled brightly up at him, willingly skipping away from the frowning Mason to follow a determined Casp as they made their way down the hallway. Dallas and I exchanged a look, then jogged down to meet Mase.

“Dude, what the fuck?” was Dallas’ very intelligent response to the situation. Mason just snorted, his stare still on the pair as they walked down the hallway hand-in-hand.

“Casp just stole your girl…. again,” I told him, clapping a hand on his shoulder in sympathy.

“I’ll let it go…but only because his ass looks really good from this angle,” Mason replied, his eyes taking in the view.

Dallas and I exchanged yet another look, our eyes saucers. “His what?” Dallas asked, spinning around to face him head-on.

“His ass, Dallas, was I speaking Spanish? Anyways, I’ll catch you guys later, I have to finish my Physics lab.”

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