Chapter 1

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Its the day before my birthday, and I'm staring at myself in the oval shaped mirror hanging on my wall in my bedroom. My hairs a mess, the blonde strands drooped over my neck and shoulders look like straw, I'm wearing no make up, my whole face looks bland. The only thing standing out is my crystal blue eyes, and the diamond ear ring my sister gave me about a year ago for being 'the best sister ever'. I like to think that's true. I have a splitting headache, and it feels like my heads gonna explode any second. I refuse to take any pain relief, last time that happened I ended up in A&E for choking on it. But I stand there, staring into my eyes, wishing tomorrow would hurry up. I always loved birthdays, no matter who's it was. It's always nice to have a whole family with you for one day. But as tomorrow is my birthday, I was looking forward to it Evan more. I was in a daze, just staring at myself wondering how Did I end up looking as bad as this. My daze was broken by the sound of my mum calling up the stairs to me.

"Chloe! For the fifth time come downstairs and eat something, or we won't be going out anywhere for your birthday tomorrow!"

"Fine mum!" I shouted back, "ill be down in a second"

I don't normally eat a lot, I know many girls don't because they think that it will help them slim down, but I'm not like that. I don't eat simply because I don't get hungry often. I try, of course I try, but everyone has there limits, and mine is normally about 6-7 mouthfuls. I head downstairs to find my mum glaring at me in the door way.

"What?" I say spitefully. I didn't mean for it to sound like that, but I just go along with it

"I've been calling you for 10 minuets! Your dinners been sitting here for ages and has now gone cold, you look a mess, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm not hungry"

"It's always I'm not hungry, I don't feel like eating, I don't want food", my mum tried to explain. "You need to think of a different excuse because I'm fed up of that one!"

"Sorry mum", I say looking at my feet. I stare at my socks, there purple with white spots, and for once there matching. I sit down and eat 1 one mouthful of spaghetti bolognese before I notice a black cat running "? across our front yard.

"Look Chloe, a black cat! That means good look!", my sister shouted at me excitedly. My mum smiled and agreed with her.

"Or bad luck", I muttered under my breath. My mum just glared at me once again. I finish my dinner (in my opinion) and head up stairs to bed. It's late, and my headache has gotten worse. I slip into my blue and pink pyjamas, and settle down into bed, and switch off the light. I think about what tomorrow's going to be like, but then decide to just find out. I close my eyes, and let the darkness of my room take over.

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