★Chapter 5★

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(Y/N)'s POV

I convinced myself to actually go to school today. I couldn't miss another day, plus my dad nonstop yelled at me for missing school.

I didn't care though. He's only in my life when I do something good, or bad. (Relatable ;-;) He never gives a shit about me when I need him. I stopped overthinking and grabbed my science book from my locker.

I had my headphones in. I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I mentally face palm and turn around. I see the most popular girl in school, Britney, with her arms crossed. She looked pissed.

"So you think you can just mess with my boyfriend without me finding out?" Her voice was high and annoying. I tilt my head slightly. "You'll have to remind me who your boyfriend is." I say with attitude.

She scoffs. "Simon." She said angrily. "Doesn't ring a bell." I turn my attention away from her. I felt my head being pushed by a force. My face collided with the metal locker. I heard a crack.

The entire hall went silent. She smirked. I felt a warm liquid spill from my nose, down my chin. I touched it. My finger was now completely red.

I balled my fist up. I turned around. I was about to punch that smirk right off her face, but two arms wrapped around my torso, holding my arms to my side. I tried to fight against this person, but they didn't budge.

I cursed Britney out since that's all I could do. The person dragged me away from the big crowd. I eventually gave up on getting away.

The person finally put me down. I faced the mystery person. My eyes and thoughts immediately filled with hate. "Leave me alone Andy." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. Again with this shit.

"(N/N), you're bleeding." My eyes widened. He called me by my nickname he gave me when we were young. My hand started to shake. He noticed.

"Let me at least take you to the nurse." His voice was calming. I let out a breath of frustration. "Okay..okay I'll go."

He lead me to the nurses office. When we got in there, the nurse immediately greeted us. "Hello, may I please have your name?" She finally looked up at me. Her face showed confusion and worry.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." I said shyly. She writes that down and tells me to take a seat. I sit down, Andy sits across from me. She hands me a cloth to clean up my noise.

Since it was still bleeding, I held it there. Andy explained to her what happened. I didn't lay a finger on Britney so I didn't get in trouble.

After a little bit of talking, she walked away. I looked at Andy. "Thank you..for everything." I say quietly. He smiles. "You're welcome (Y/N)." And at that very moment, I fell in love all over again.

Love Was Made To Break (Andy Black X Reader) ¡!Female Reader!¡Where stories live. Discover now