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Two stunning girls walked into the insta prom side by side glancing at everyone and everything. One in a fabulous sparkling red gown, while the other showed off in a piercing white gown. What they didn't know was that someone was watching them, more so the girl in the white

'This is so pretty' One of the two exclaimed

'I know right. Hey, have you seen Bradley or Polly?' The other asked

'No, sorry B. They're probably with their friends somewhere' The other nodded

'Okay, Well then let's hit the dance floor Miss Charlotte Bella'

'I thought you'd never ask Miss Bianca Caz' The both smiled and went to the dance floor where most of the population was

[ Time Skip ]

There was only about 1 hour and 29 minted left till insta prom was over. It started at 7:30pm and finished at 12:00 Bianca was seated at a table chatting with Harvey Petito. Alone. Charlotte went back to the dance floor and both her siblings were off with there own friend groups. Bianca and Harvey laughed at one another while telling terrible jokes

'Okay. Okay, I got one' Harvey leant foreword whole resting his chin on his hand

'What do you call an alligator in a vest?' Harvey shrugged

'An InvestiGATOR' They both laughed at the terrible joke and Harvey stood up

'I'm gonna go over to the snack table. You want anything?' Bianca shook her head no and Harvey took off

She pulled out her phone and checked her social status when she heard a chair shift beside her. She glanced up and frowned at who it was. Getting up, Bianca walked outside with the person following her, she sat down as the person just stood there

'Sit down' She demanded, too which the person did

'What do you want?'

'Well...' They trailed off awkwardly but still held a rude tone


'I want us to go back to the way you used'

'You broke my trust, twice'

'Yeah I know but maybe we can try?' Bianca shook her head no

'No means no' The person nodded and got up

'Well, I'll see ya 'round caz'

'See you Mont' Tate nodded at her and walked away while Bianca gazed up at the sky humming the words to 'Galaxy'. You would never believe it but Bianca Caz and Tate Mont were the best of friends, before Tate moved when she was 7 and got sucked up into the world of Hollywood

'Did I just see Bianca Caz and Tate Mont have an actual conversation without throwing insults or hands?' A voice behind her said

'Yeah. What are you doing out here?' She faced the person behind her

'Needed some fresh air. You?' The person sat down and Bianca shifted her body so she was facing them

'Needed some space' They sat in comfortably silence before she felt a hand on her cheek making her look over to the person

'What are you-' She was cut off by a pair of lips on her's. Bianca quickly shoved them away and got up running away

'WAIT-' They tried to call but it was too late she was gone. The person sighed in defeat and looked up at the sky

'Jack Dylan Grazer. The boy that screws up everything'

Author's Note

I suck at writing but hey I tried.


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