Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional - Anony-mouse.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing – Helen Keller.
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself - Harvey Fierstein.
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are – John Wooden.
People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos, is because things are being loved, and people are being used.
Dear Heart, fall in love only when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely – Anony-mouse.
Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead - Scottish Proverb.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”
― Dr. Seuss
“Being crazy isn't enough.”
― Dr. Seuss
“The storm starts, when the drops start dropping
When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping.”
― Dr. Seuss
"Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."
I want you all to understand something here. Some people don't think their lives are worth living. I hope you don't feel that way but I want the message to get out to everyone.
"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever. The goal is to create something that will."
So there you have it. Whenever you see something that you can change whether it's making someone feel better when their down or helping someone when their hurt-- you can make a difference. Create a better life for someone.
LIke that lonely kid or the one you call geeky. Just by stopping could make the biggest change in the world to them. If you see someone getting bullied then stand up for them. You wouldn't want to be in their position.
I've chosen to talk about this from recent events I've been in. Not with me but people I care about.
If you ever need someone to talk to--talk to me. Don't say you don't know me because you do. I am Someone who loves you. xx
crazyelizibeth. Please don't feel that way. I'm reading your status right now. If you need someone to talk to I'll be here. xx