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The next day Johnny got their early a promised.
I wasn't doing anything and I expressed that to the girls, so I didn't have to do anything.
About an hour into their working, I heard bike chains.
"What are you doing here?" David asked.
"You said that yesterday is that all you know how to say? Besides it's none of your business." I replied smirking.
"Leave already!" He yelled annoyed.
"No." Hayley said defiantly testing him.
"What do you think your even doing?" Mac asked.
"Playing Baseball." Hayley held up the ball in her hand.
They all laughed but David who was glaring at me.
"Doll this is a baseball. That's a softball. My three year old sister could hit this grape fruit and win a souvenir dodger pack, and if you pitched it 60 miles an hour." Mac insulted it.
We fake laughed before I spoke.
"I bet you couldn't hit it." I said. Hayley and I were both pitchers but I played 1st as well so Hayley pitched our games.
"I don't bet trash, I burn it." Mac said confidently.
I rolled my eyes.
"Your serious?" Mac asked.
"Like Gloria Steinem." Hayley replied.
"Tark get my bat and my helmet." Mac ordered.
They all went to home and talked. David often looked up at me.
I had on jeans and a blue dodgers jersey, much like David's outfit except blue.
I pitched the ball and long story short they didn't see it coming at all.
Eventually David stepped in and started pinch hitting which took even longer. We were both tired and taking a small break.
My arm would give out in the next few pitches.
"Wanna tie it?" I asked from the mound massaging my shoulder.
"If your too tired?" He asked smirking.
"I didn't say I was tired!" I shot annoyed.
"Hayley, Amanda time to come home! Dinner time!" Mom yelled.
"Forfeit that's a forfeit." Mac yelled obnoxiously.
"David time to take your bath!" David's mom yelled.
"It's a draw then." Jenny said annoyed.
"Fine tomorrow then little baby." Hayley said as we walked together to our house with Jenny and Penny.
"Count on it spoiled brat." David shot back.
I glanced at him one more time before walking inside.
The next morning like Johnny promised, he was there with us.
We stood across from each other on the field.
"Johnny go talk to him." I ordered sending over the smallest to negotiate.
He ran back and told us they aren't going to leave.
This went back and forth for at least 10 minuets. Till Johnny collapsed over on their side and Mac gave him water out of an army flask.
In the mean time I was walking around in a circle, throwing my glove in the air with the ball in it.
Hayley stopped me when Mac started to walk up to the diamond showing they wanted to make a deal.
We sent Jenny up as she negotiated well.
David wasn't watching them like the rest of his team, instead he was watching me and I was watching him.
Eventually Jenny came back and told me the deal.
"What?!" I yelled annoyed.
David didn't look to happy about it either but Hayley forced me to sit down in the dugout.
They talked while I sat on the table not saying anything.
David introduced them all to us and Hayley introduced us.
Then David took us to see Singleton's team.
"Hey look guys it's the Sandlot retards." Singleton said making me mad already.
"I won't miss this time." I threatened holding up my baseball. Singleton looked nervous.
David grabbed my hand and put it down while grabbing the ball from my hand.
"You guys bring your sisters to watch some real ball players?" He asked smirking after David took the ball away from me.
"Shut Your Mouth Singleton." David jumped in quickly.
"Actually There here to watch me, wipe home plate with that mop you call your hair." Mac said smiling proudly.
"Sweeping up is all you good for dough boy. Good thing your switching to softball." He said making Mac's temper flair along with mine.
"That's it your dead meat! Dead I tell you! dead!" Mac yelled attempting to jump the fence and get Singleton.
He looked directly at David who was standing in front of him.
David was really the leader of their group and I of mine.
While they were distracted I grabbed a second Baseball from my jeans pocket and threw it at Singleton. It hit him square in the balls and he groaned.
Everyone looked at him, then at me as I tried not to laugh.
David gave me a look which made me actually start laughing.
He pulled me aside while the rest of them calmed down Mac and Singleton stood up, now back to normal.
"He's gonna go after you when we play them now." He told me and I gave him a 'seriously' look.
"Bring him on." I told him walking back with David behind me.
"Speaking of sweeping up. You girls keeping our new practice diamond all clean and tidy for us?" Singleton asked.
I was about to go after him when David grabbed my hand and gave me a parenting look which I rolled my eyes too but stayed put.
"Watch Your Mouth jerk." Mac said
"Shut up porky." Singleton
"Lurch." Mac
"Your mama wears combat boots." Singleton
"Your mama's so ugly when you were born they slapped her." Mac
"Domer pile." Singleton
"Hippy." Mac
"Shut up porky." Singleton
"You already said that idiot." Mac
"Yeah well your still fat moron." Singleton.
"Your a fart smelling, road apple scab licking female dog." Mac started we were about to laugh again.
"I ain't done yet! Your ugly your mama dresses you funny you stink like to fungus and you ride the short school bus!" Mac finished making us all laugh.
"Yeah well you play ball like a girl!" Singleton yelled making all of us stop.
"Excuse me? What did you say?" Hayley asked offended like me Jenny and Penny.
"You heard me." Singleton replied acting tough.
"Friday! The Sandlot." I started.
"Male Chauvinist pig." Hayley added.
"Count on it Tomboy." He replied glaring at me.
"Yeah be there babies." Someone from his team said.
Everyone but me started to walk away.
I wanted to punch Singleton in the face. I never really showed anger except when I was being made fun of for playing baseball.
David saw me not moving so he grabbed my shoulders and walked me towards the sandlot again.
After a few hours of playing, we went to the parking lot carnival.
We went to the Bigfoot exhibit where everyone was messing around until we made Tark hit one of the buttons and a statue thing of Bigfoot cake out from the dark.
I hated dogs, because when I was 6 I got bit by a dog on my arm. I always hide the scar with my makeup though, making sure it's waterproof so no one sees.
I pushed my way through the group and walked outside, towards the bathroom where I threw up.
When I walked back outside the bathroom I saw David standing there.
He pulled up his sock where I saw a scar that looked kinda like mine.
I glanced down at my own arm and saw the makeup was coming off after a long day.
I hid it quickly when Johnny came out and saw both my arm and David's leg.
"I don't know they came out here." Hayley said walking out with the rest of the group.
I walked over to David who looked at me curiously.
"Hey guys." I said smiling.
"Hey are you guys ok?" Mac asked.
"Yeah of course we just needed some fresh air." I replied.
"Yeah it was pretty stuffy in there. Let's go get some more food and ride some rides." Mac suggested.
"Yeah good idea." I said letting out a shaky breath as I walked next to David who did the same.
"Tark wanna ride with us on the bumper cars?" Hayley asked with a smile.
She obviously liked him.
"David wanna come with?" I asked turning to him.
"Sure as long as I'm driving." He said smirking.
"Fine." I grumbled hiding my smile.
We all decided to go on the bumper cars while Sammy went to the 'bathroom' but I saw him secretly sneak off to the kissing booth which he was not allowed to go to.
After the bumper cars where David took sharp turns, we went to the tilt a whirl.
I sat with David, Hayley and Tark.
While Penny and Jenny went with Mac and Saul.
We heard a commotion by the kissing booth and I knew what had happened. Sammy was making out with the woman.
We grabbed the bikes as Saul went to go get Sam.
I forgot to bring my bike as did Hayley so I rode on the back of David's bike, despite how much we still disliked each other. While Hayley was getting along fine with Tark.
We returned to the sandlot and said our goodbyes.
"Bye David." I said slightly nervous.
"Bye 'Manda." He said making me smile.
I waved to him and he waved back and Hayley, Penny, Jenny and I walked inside the house, getting ready for our game tomorrow against Singleton.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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