Chapter One - The Little Run-In I Had with the Ice Fairy

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Aiden's POV

"Yeah, man, school's out!" Rhys jumped on me, nearly bringing us to the ground.

Scowling, I shrugged him off. "Get off me. People are staring. Why are you so excited anyways? It's not like it's summer. It's like minus freaking 30 degrees."

He shrugged, grinning like an idiot. "We've got hockey anyways."

"Whatever," I grunted, shifting my bag on my back.

Why the hell did we have to bring all our books home? Who in the right mind would actually break into school to steal textbooks? Stupid.

"Oh, Liam and Devlin are crashing at our place tonight," he informed me ever so casually.

"What the hell, man? Aria and Bria are gonna be home too. I'm not having drunk guys around them. Let them crash at their own place." I quickened my footsteps out of the school building.

His steps hurried to keep up. "Come on, Aiden. Live a little. Can't you get them to chill at one of their friend's places? Besides, Liam and Devlin have parents at their houses. I don't think they'd appreciate having drunk boys staggering into their places at 2 AM."

"Their problem, not mine. Hurry up. We've got hockey in an hour, and we have to drop off our d*mn books off first." I swore when I realized that it had snowed once again which meant that the car would be frosted and covered in snow.

Living in Canada meant that all I could see was snow, snow and more freaking snow. It's not that I hated snow, I just hated the cold which meant that I somewhat hated snow too.

"Freaking snow. Why does it snow so much here?" Rhys verbalized my thoughts. "Do you remember where I parked?"

I glared at him. "No, why would I remember? It's your car."

"Crap, I don't know where I parked," he mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration. "Was it in the east  or west lot? I think it's in the east."

I countered, "No, I'm pretty sure it was in the west."

"My car, remember. I'm pretty sure I'd remember where I parked," he waved me off.

Half an hour later, we were still in the east parking lot in search for his stupid beat up Cadillac.

"You parked in the west, idiot," I grumbled, shoving my frostbitten hands deeper into my jean pockets.

Rhys paused, scratching the top of his head. "Oh, maybe I did," he let out an uneasy laugh.

I took in a breath, then blew it out, calming myself down. I still needed a ride so I couldn't quite kill Rhys yet.

"You're lucky I need you still. Once I'm off suspension for driving, you're getting it," I huffed.

Giving me a sheepish grin, he said, "But you still love me?"

I couldn't help but crack a smile, but only after giving him a punch. "Yeah, whatever."


It turned out that we ended up being fifteen minutes late due to the fact that it started snowing quite hard.

"Why the hell do the guys look like a bunch of ballerinas on ice?" Rhys dropped his bag abruptly, squinting.

I glanced up from my phone. "Must be the figure skaters." My shoulders rose and fell into a nonchalant shrug. "They must have booked just before us."

"You do know that we're fifteen minutes late, right? There's no way they can go overtime that much," he pointed out, proceeding to make his way to the changeroom to tie up our skates.

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