Fand lost it all..

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Fand came to us crying, she was in a mess.

Zack: babe what's up? (Hugged her)

She kept on crying and crying we all gathered around her to sooth her. Did someone discover any lie she have told ? Or what? Oh you might be wondering why we are friends with her when knowing that she is a liar? She can be mean and bitchy too! But once a lie is figured out she'd not play on and on again and again, she confesses. Also her lies don't hurt someone's life, they're there to help her reach whatever she wants to reach, whatever goal she has in mind. Her abilities were just so amazing that I zay hated it. Anyway we soothed her until she calmed down for a bit.

Fand: mum died guys.. We planned the party. I was c-ca-alling her name but she didn't reply. I went to the kitchen.. Mum was dead. Yea she was dead. I freaked out I didn't know what to do. Zay I screamed. Dad came running when he saw mum he went insane.. He started pointing fingers at me. He tried hitting me. Jake didn't let him hit me. Mike calmed him down. My own dad thinks I am the reason my mum died. He kicked me out of the hospital.

I had to cut her there.

Me: Fand come on quit with the lies

But she didn't stop..

Fand: Why me? and why did mum decide to die today WHY!

She broke down. She fainted. It was all real she wasn't lying. Wow. We took her to the hospital near by.

Caleb: this is really bad guys..

Me: oh god I hope she's alright..

Isaac: I hope she just doesn't get the heart panic thing she gets..

Me: yea hope so..

Zack: man this is too much for her. We need to stick together and help her through this.

Jessica: if she stays alive.

We continued talking until the doctor came out, he asked for her parents but we explained the situation, so he talked to zack.


You might wonder why did her mum die? Or why did her father point fingers at fand?

Fand's mother had a rare heart disease, without mentioning the name for the positive attitude towards those who have it, you can survive. She would get mini heart attacks that would weaken the heart. Panic and stress cause the disease to eat on the heart even more. To be able to survive you have to be a cold fighter with calm thoughts. Later on we figured out fand had the same disease. That must of scared fand a lot knowing if her mum didn't survive she won't be able to.. Fand promised her mum to stay alive as much as possible. Thats why she was still here until may, Even though she have been through a lot in her life to keep her wanting to die. God bless her soul. I really miss her so much.. 😥💔

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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