*3* Here Again

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I jolted up into sitting position as I felt the plane landing. Franklin was making very alarming squeaking noises. As I raised my left hand to shield my eyes from the sun I used my right hand to take Franklin's, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
I could still remember how utterly terrifying my first time on a plane was and hated seeing other people appear to have the same fear. I guess that's why I loved working with dinosaurs; so people wouldn't be afraid of them. There was nothing better than childlike curiosity sweeping across the faces of hundreds of thousands worth of visitors as they saw their first dinosaur. I had lived for that. And looking back on it, I don't know why I gave it up. I had the opportunity to work with Claire as she tried to save the dinosaurs but instead I chose to let them go.
At least now I had a chance to correct that mistake.

The plane quickly came to a halt. I let go of Franklin's hand and stood up, stretching my legs and my arms. I yawned loudly before bouncing off of the plane, breathing in the fresh air. 
A year ago, I never would have imagined myself returning back to this place. But I had grown tired of my closed off and unadventurous mindset. I had finally come to realise that what I needed most was to be surrounded by people that cared about me, I just hoped that this trip was enough for me to achieve that.


After everybody was off of the plane, a man came walking up to us. He looked like the unpleasant sort of army commanders, so I backed away towards Zia to avoid any awkward conversation. She nudged my arm and smiled at me cheekily as Franklin shuffled uncomfortably beside me.

"Are you two alright?" I asked curiously.

"Yes." Franklin said quickly. I glanced up at him and saw a deep red flush across his cheeks. It was probably just an embarrassing inside joke or something similar to that, nothing to worry about.

I averted my attention back towards Owen and the unfamiliar man. I heard the name 'Ken Wheatley' flash up, so I presumed that that was his name. Unfortunately, as I was watching this strange meeting unfold, I caught Wheatley's eye. He slowly smiled and me and walked a few paces forward before holding out his hand.

"Aurora Steele sir." I said firmly before taking his hand and shaking it quickly. He had an alarmingly strong grip, which I attempted to match. There was something off about him and I didn't want to seem intimidated.

"Another raptor wrangler then aren't we Steele?" He asked. I nodded curtly before resuming my previous stance, something I hadn't done since my days in the military. I snapped out of my trance and tried to stand more calmly, imitating Zia. He also referred to me by my last name only, another thing that I only really heard in the military, but I had always loved my surname. It made me feel tough and powerful; it made a statement.


On the journey through the island I couldn't help but stare out the window. I had forgotten how beautiful it was here on Isla Nublar. I really had missed working here. I was glad to be able to take part in saving these creatures rather than staying curled up in a ball on my sofa at home.
The route we were taking was still familiar to me, even after all these years locked away by myself. Each tree and plant made me feel like I was at home here, every leaf and flower reminding me of previous adventures shared with Owen and the dinosaurs. Even the memories from the time the Indominus Rex escaped washed over me with the sense of comfort in some ways; the rush of adrenaline, the blood pumping in my veins and pounding in my ears. Something I had been longing for over the past few weeks when I had felt my most vulnerable.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Franklin spraying bug spray on his arms, causing a strong and unpleasant smell to fill the back of the vehicle we were travelling in. As he offered the can of bug spray to the soldiers sitting next to him a devilish idea popped into my mind. I held my hand out in front of me for the can, trying to hide a smile. Although I was not looking at them, I knew that I was currently receiving very strange looks from Claire, Owen and Zia. I began to spray myself with the bug spray continuously, smiling a bit as I accidentally sprayed it all over Owen.
I continued spraying or about a full minute until everyone in the vehicle was choking on the masses of repellent I had just unleashed inside.

I stifled my laughter and handed the now empty can back to Franklin.

"Hopefully that should be enough." I sighed playfully.

Franklin rose an eyebrow, leaned in and said, "I can't tell if you're being serious or mocking me."

I finally let out my laughter and patted him on the knee.
"Franklin, there is no humanly way possible I would ever dream of applying that much bug spray to myself if I wasn't mocking you. Whilst you're here, bugs are the least you'll have to worry about." I replied, grinning.

His eyes widened at my words as Owen nudged my shoulder playfully and laughed with me.

The jeep stopped all too suddenly when I felt the familiar deep stomping sound vibrating through the vehicle and everyone in it. From the feeling alone I couldn't quite make out what it was, but I didn't feel threatened. Zia apparently had the same hunches as me as she threw open the doors, alarming the majority of the people inside.

As Zia bounded off to the front of the truck Wheatley climbed out after her, telling her to get back inside. I smiled to myself as I realised how ballsy Zia was, she reminded me a lot like myself the first time I was introduced to dinosaurs.

I looked around and noticed that everyone else was getting out. And because it had been a few years I decided to get out too. I noticed that Franklin was hesitant so I gave him a little nudge on the shoulder. He glanced over to me and I smiled at him, to which he smiled back.
Damn. He has a really cute smile.


We approached Zia who was staring in complete and utter awe at a Brachiosaurus. I have to admit myself that they're beautiful creatures and I'm glad that she got to see such a graceful creature before everything went to shit. I glanced up at the volcano and frowned slightly, if we did indeed have enough time (which I severely doubted) we wouldn't have much.
As Zia was dragged back towards the Jeep by Wheatley, I glanced back at Franklin who had been quite unsteady throughout this whole affair.
"She's beautiful isn't she?" I sighed, knowing that there was no definitive way we could save them all.
"Yeah she's incredible alright... and big..." He trailed off.
I smiled at his awkward demeanour and settled back down into the vehicle. Readying myself for what might come next.


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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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