A shocking start

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The year was 1956, and a strange wind blew that night as Viktor farmingdale raced his wife Emilia to the hospital, to give birth to their first child. The roads were icy, as it wouldn't be spring for a few months in France. The storm worsened and suddenly a deer ran across the road causing their car to swerve onto a patch of black ice and hit a telephone pole. By the time the ambulance got to where the car had stopped Viktor had told Emilia he loved her and bled out. The paramedics tried for a few hours to get Emilia out of the car in which time the child was delivered. A baby girl born in the worst of conditions.Just as they cut the cord, the paramedics heard a thunderous cracking sound and moved out of the way just as the telephone pole fell on top of the car crushing it and Emilia. The paramedics were about to send the infant to an orphanage Just before they could emilias sister, Marice, who had been tailing emilias car just before the accident, rose from her car and claimed the child. Seeing that there was no way of quickly identifying the woman as blood, a DNA test was needed. The test results showed the woman as the child's closest living relative. This being the case she had the right to claim the child as before. She named the child Jessica, a fitting name for a child so lovely and pure.

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