Chapter 1

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[disclaimer: this is my first book so read at your own risk]

So my brother, Doug, invited me to go to his bachelor party that will be in Vegas which included his but also my childhood best friends: Phil Wenneck, Stu Price and Alan Garner (but we knew him until Doug was with Tracy who is soon to be my sister in law!). I was always close to my brother's best friends even though I am the little sister, but I would always like to do the fun things they liked to do so Doug would always let me tag along. This made me really close to everyone especially, Phil Wenneck!

Phil and I are the closest out of everyone in the group (that Alan likes to call the Wolfpack). I guess I really connect with Phil because we have a lot in common, we both are the trouble makers and seek fun and we both relate in lots of times. And I'm not gonna lie but I do have a huge ass crush on Phil since.... well the first time a saw him.

He was the boy that everyone wanted, I mean everyone wants the hot popular boy at school. I guess I kinda fell in that hole with everyone else. Though, I love our relationship, we consider ourselves BEST BEST friends and are so comfortable with each other and I love how he doesn't care that I'm Doug's "baby sister". He's also the only one who feels like he doesn't have to be so delicate around me - I truly hate it when people aren't like that.

Phil and I did have a fling in high school that no one really knows about, not even my best friend Christy which I tend to tell everything to. One night I was pist that my boyfriend broke up with me, I told Phil and he took me out to a bar and too many drinks led to things and that ended up being Phil and I making out in the back of his car, then on my doorstep, and finally in my room (which we sneaked in quietly so Doug wouldn't hear). We ended up not doing anything further than that because he knew I was a virgin and he didn't want my first to be drunk with someone I wasn't actually dating. Yes, that means I didn't have sex with my boyfriend as it didn't last long enough because apparently I wasn't his type, a jerk I know right! After that I kind of just quit in dating, so I still haven't gotten any action haha.

Anyways, after that we always had a vibe when we were together and we would have little make outs when we were able to sneak out of our hangouts with the guys, but that all stopped when Phil met Stephanie who is now his wife! He has a kid now with her too, his name is Eli, and he considers me as his favourite aunt because Stephanie and Phil like to invite me and Doug over for dinner many times. Eli would then want me to be around him all the time (carrying him, etc.) so we started to create a bond which I tend to do with little kids.

It's not like my crush ever faded though, I still like Phil but I tend to make that not showable now that he's with Stephanie, of course. Though, luckily we're still all best friends because that i'm pretty sure that will never fade either!

"Are you sure Doug, I don't want to really interfere. I mean it is a bachelor party, you know, meant for boys!" I said as I was getting my dress fitted. "Come on Lil, you can never interfere, you're a part of the group! And you always come to our little parties, so it'll be nothing different. Plus Phil will be there and you haven't seen him in a while!" Doug said, encouraging me to go with him and the guys. "Fine! Let me just finish this and I'll pack my things!" I smiled, thinking about how things might go, "I guess I'm going to Vegas!"

Doug smile back, "Yes you are! I'll be waiting in the garage." he said as he left the room.

When I finished my fitting I headed to my room to pack a bag. I packed my black dress and practically the only dress I own and some other outfits as well as some classy and causal shoes. I picked out a cute outfit for today, it was summery cause it's so hot outside and then I kept my hair down.

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