Chapter 7

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Note: During the wedding I'll be singing 'I Don't Know What Love Is' from the A Star is Born Soundtrack but in the story it will be an original song because ofc this movie doesn't exist in here!

*Third Person POV*

Tracy dialled Doug's phone as she was getting ready for her wedding, it rang until it hit his voicemail "Hey you've reached Doug. Sorry I missed your call. Please leave a name and number and I'll get back to you!" Tracy then dialled Lily's phone truly hoping she out of anyone would answer, it rang until it hit her voicemail as well "Hey it's Lily. Sorry I didn't get your call but I will as soon as I can! Oh and don't call me more than twice, it pisses me off!" Tracy then dialled Stu's phone, it went straight to voicemail too "Hi you've reached Dr. Stuart Price. Please leave a message-" Tracy ended the call and dialled Phil's phone, it rang until it hit his voicemail as well "Hey it's Phil. Leave me a message or don't! Do me a favour, don't text me, it's gay!" None of them answered their phones and she didn't know where the guys and Lily were and the wedding is in a couple of hours, she honestly didn't know what was happening "Anything?" her mother Linda asked coming from looking out the window at all the people getting the venue ready "I tried them all, it keeps going straight to voicemail!" Tracy said as a girl was brushing her hair "Well there has to be an explanation!" Linda said "Sweetie, it's Vegas! You lose track of time in those casinos! There's no windows, there's no clocks! He's probably on a heater, and you never walk away from the table when your on a heater!" Sid said, Tracy's father, while reading a magazine "Well you do if your getting married!" Linda said seriously, the phone then rang which made Tracy quickly pick up "Hello?" "Tracy it's Phil!" "Phil, where the hell are you guys?! I'm freaking out!!" "Ya listen, ah...... we fucked up!" "What are you talking about?!" "The bachelor party, the whole night it- things got out of control and uh...... we lost Doug!" "What?!!!" "We can't find Doug!" "What are you saying Phil?! We're getting married in FIVE HOURS!!" "Yeah.... that's not gonna happen!"
I was sitting on the top of the front of the car as Stu and Alan leaning on it and Black Doug peeing behind the car, I watched Phil talk with Tracy who was never going to forgive us even if we do find Doug, she made me be the one who was supposed to make sure everything went down smoothly but I mean you put me in a situation with Vegas, a fucked up Alan that nobody can control, Phil Wenneck, a fucked up drug dealer and alcohol with drugs, as if I can control what will happen! Especially as I'm with Phil which makes me act like him, not that I don't like it because it's really fucking fun but I'm too stupid to control this shit! "Thanks for the lift back to town!" Black Doug said as he came from the back of the car "Ya!" Alan said with a smile "I got a question for you!" Stu said "What's up?" Black Doug said "How did you wind up in Chow's car?" Stu asked "What kind of question is that?!" I asked, it was obvious how it happened "I want to know!" Stu said "He was obviously kidnapped from Chow and his men!" I said "Yup, that's it!" Black Doug said "Ok but why? Why you?" Stu asked "Cause he thought I was with you guys because we were all hanging out at the Bellagio's!" "What?" Stu asked "We we're at the Bellagio's?" Alan asked "Ya we were shooting crabs, you don't remember?" "No actually because this dumbass drug dealer gave Alan Rufilin! Now we can't remember shit from last night!" I said in a bitchy tone "Rufilin. There you go with that word. Rufilin, Rufilin! What the hell is a Rufilin?!" Black Doug said, wow he's one fucked dealer, not knowing what he fucking sells to customers "WOW, you are the world shittest drug dealer!" Stu said annoyed "Rufilin! It's know as the day rape drug! You fucking sold Alan roofies not Ecstasy you dumbass!!" I said "Oh shit I must have mixed up the bags! My fault Alan! Damm Marshall's gonna be pissed off at my on that one!" Black Doug said "Whatever!" Stu said quietly "Good job!" I said in a very sarcastic bitchy tone! "It's funny because just the other day, me and my boy were wondering why they even called them roofies! You know what I'm talking about?!" Black Doug said "No!" Stu and I both said "Why not floories, cause when you take them your more likely to end up on the floor then the roof!" Black Doug said "What about groundies! That's a good name for them!" Black Doug said "Or how about rapies!" Alan said, what the fuck is wrong with them?! "Wait what did you just say?!" Stu asked "Rapies!" Alan said "Not you, Doug! What did you say before?!" Stu asked "I said groundies!" Black Doug said "No before that you said, you're more likely to end up on the floor then the roof!" Stu said looking at me, it made me think, if your not going to be on the floor, then HOW ABOUT THE ROOF! DOUGS ON THE FUCKING ROOF!!! "HOLY SHIT!" I said as I hopped off the car as Stu and I both ran to Phil "Phil! Phil!" we both yelled "Trace I'm really sorry-" Phil was saying to Tracy on the phone when Stu pushed him down to the ground making him drop the phone and fall to the ground coughing as he got his air knocked out if him again "Phil?! Hello?!" Tracy said from the phone, Stu went for the phone and began talking as I was making sure Phil was ok "Tracy! It's Stu!" "Ah, nothing, don't listen to Phil he's completely out of his mind and still drunk from last night!" Stu said back to the phone "Baby, you ok?!" I said to Phil "Ya!" he said in a groggy voice as I helped him up "He is paying the bill! We just had a delicious brunch and we're in a big hurry to get back so we got to get going! Ok we'll see you soon!" Stu said hanging up the call, not even letting Tracy talk, Stu got up and Phil pushed him pist "WHAT THE FUCK MAN!!" "PHIL WE KNOW WHERE DOUG IS!" I said grabbing his arm which made Phil shocked  "What?!" Phil said "COME ON LETS GO!" Stu said as we all ran to the car as I began to drive back to Caesars Palace, Phil a bit out of breath from the fall he had and Stu, Alan and Black Doug very squished together at the back "How?" Phil asked "I don't know it just hit me and Lily catched on!" Stu said "You know how we saw Doug's mattress on the roof!" I said "Ya we threw it out the window!" Phil said "How the hell are you going to get the mattress up to the roof through the window that don't open in hotels?!!" I said "So then how did- OH MY GOD!" "I KNOW!" Stu and I both said "W-w-wait what's going on?!" Alan asked not catching on "Doug was trying to signal someone!" I said "HOLY SHIT!" Phil said still shocked "How did you figure that out?!" Phil asked "Doug did!" I said "Doug?" Phil asked "This Doug not our Doug! And Stu too!" I said "Ok can someone tell me where white Doug is?" Alan asked "He's on the roof Alan!" Phil said "YES HE'S ON THE FUCKING ROOF!" I said "We probably took him up there with the mattress as a prank so he would wake up on the roof!" I said as I could picture that happening "Yes of course! Something you two would do!" Stu said "Exactly!" Phil said laughing "It's like that time in Summer camp! Remember we moved his sleeping bag out by the lake!" Phil said which made Stu and I laugh as we all went to camp together! "Which was the we've best!" I said "Ya it was hilarious! Again something you two planed!" Stu said "Well ya! But this time it's not so funny because we didn't remember where he was because of some people!" I said looking through the mirror and looking at Black Doug and Alan! "You guys are fucking retarded! You know that!" Black Doug said "Holy shit! Do you thinks he's still up there?!" Phil said "I'm pretty sure but there's only one way to find out!" I said with a smile! When we made it to Caesars Palace, Black Doug left and we made it seem like we forgot something in our room but headed up to the roof to look for Doug! "DOUG! DOUG! DOUG!" we all yelled as we opened the roof door, Alan keeping it open with a cement block "DOUG YOU UP HERE BUDDY?!" Phil yelled "DOUG! DOUG! WHERE YOU AT?!!" I yelled checking a part of the roof as Phil, Stu and Alan did others "HEY GUYS!" Stu yelled turning to us as we all turned to him hoping he found Doug "HES OVER HERE!" making all of us feel relief "HOLY SHIT!" I said running to where Stu was, Phil coming behind me Alan as well, "HES OK!" Stu said as he was kneeled down to a sunburned Doug siting on the ground leaning on a part of the roof "DOUG!" I said running to him "Oh, we gotta go buddy!" Stu said as we both helped him up "Holy shit! We have been looking everywhere for you!" I said to him, Alan and Phil making it to where we were "What the fuck is going on?!" Doug asked very groggy and unsteady "We can explain everything later!" I said "Right now we gotta go!" Stu said checking his watch "Hey bud! You ok?!" Phil asked "No, I'm not ok!" Doug said unsteady "You look good! You got some colour, I'm jealous!" Phil said nicely which made me try not to snicker as Doug was all sunburned which made him have colour in a bad way "I'm getting married today!" Doug said looking at Stu then to me as we were still holding him "Yes you are! And that's why Doug you need to focus and you need to do everything we say because frankly your wasting a little bit of time right now!" Phil said looking at his watch then to Doug "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" Doug said jumping on Phil and throwing him to the ground, wow Phil getting tackled two times today, actually really funny! Phil groaned as his back hit the cement ground very hard and Doug rolled off crying about his skin which hurt as he made contact with Phil which made sense, sunburns are a fucking bitch! I kneeled down to make sure both Phil and Doug were ok "Oh my God, are you ok?!" I asked both of them, Phil nodded, Alan kneeled down and tried to touch Doug's cheek but Doug slapped his hand away and said "Don't touch me! Shut up! All of you guys shut up! Only- only Lily can help me because she didn't have anything to do with this! Just take me home! Just take me home!" Doug said, his voice fading at the end as he calmed down "Ok, let's go!" I said as I got Doug up, Stu helping me, I then helped Phil up who was lying on the ground still in a pain from his back from the fall, I would be dying if I was him and the same with Doug! We then made our way downstairs as we put Doug in a wheelchair without the front desk knowing as we returned the keycard they gave us to go to our room and 'get what we forgot!' as to what we told them! Phil and I quickly bought a hat and some water for Doug as Stu called airlines to see if there were any available flights back to LA, once we got the things we headed to the car "What about the one after that?!" Stu said to his phone "You can not be serious?!" Stu said irritated as he then hung up the phone "God dammit! Every flight to LA is booked!" Stu said "Shit!" I said "What about to Burbank?!" Phil asked "Sold out!" Stu said "Oh fuck! We can't drive there. The wedding starts in three and a half hours!" Phil said as he was pushing Doug that was on the wheelchair "Well what else are we gonna do?!" I asked "It's the only possible way!" "We can drive there! We can do it!" Stu said encouraged, I then saw Jade waving siting on a bench by the garden in the entrance the hotel has "Stu!" I said so he would look "Just give me one second!" Stu said as he ran to Jade "We will leave without you!" Phil said "Let him! He really needs it!" I said to Phil who understood. "Is he missing a tooth?!" Doug asked making us snicker a bit "Ya!" Alan said back, Alan was then being annoying that we had to put the roof down so he put it down but it wouldn't go fully down "It's good!" Phil said "No! Safety first!" Alan said "Alan it's fine! It's down!" Phil said getting annoyed "No, I got to get it down first!" Alan said going to the other side and about to try to push it down "Jesus Christ! Here!" I said so annoyed, I got in the car "Don't mess the car up!" Alan said as I jumped on it to make it go fully down so Alan could shut up and we could go! We put Doug in the backseat as I then went to return the wheelchair, when I came back I stood by Phil waiting for Stu who was still talking to Jade "How come everyone thinks your so innocent?!" Phil asked "What?!" I said "Your not that innocent you know!" Phil said "How?!" I asked wanting to see what he would say "Well.... how about having sex with me on top of a police car!" Phil said with a smirk "We do not talk about that situation!" I said seriously which made him snicker "Ok, ok! How about when you fought Brittney Matthews in high school!" Phil said "Ah, I never fought her!" I said acting innocent "Bullshit! You fought with her cause she made out with me at the football game!" Phil said insisting "How did you find that out?!" I asked "I might have seen you guys!" "Well I didn't fight her cause she made out with you, I fought her cause she was pissing me off with all the shit she would do!" I said "Come on! You never fought Halley when she talked shit about you and me!" Phil said which made me do a face trying to hide that I also fought with her "Holy shit you fought with her too!" Phil said shocked "Well why did you think she would just stop! I had to so she would shut her tramp mouth!" I said making Phil snicker "See, I told you!" Phil said "Well I'll show you not being innocent after the wedding!" I whispered in a seductive tone into his ear with a smirk "Well I'll be the judge of that!" Phil said grabbing my waist and kissing me hard! We then broke the kiss as we should be heading out now so we got into the car "Stu!" Phil yelled tapping the windshield "Stu!" Alan yelled tapping the windshield too copying Phil again "Come on!" Phil yelled "Come on!" Alan yelled right after which made Phil give Alan a glare like 'what the fuck man' , Stu then made his way to the car as Jade waved goodbye to me which I returned, she then walked away as Stu scooted in the back with Doug and I which making us all very squished as Phil, Stu and I couldn't even fit in the back when we were heading to Vegas which caused me to sit on Phil's lap, Alan went on the passengers seat cause he really wanted to so I let him as Phil drove "At least the trip wasn't a total disaster!" Doug said  "What makes you say that?!" Alan asked "When I woke up on the roof, I happened to find $80,000 worth of Bellagio chips in my pocket!" Doug said holding the chips in his hand which made us all shocked and so happy at the same time "Yessss!" I said "Oh My God!" Stu said "Looks like we're going home with some money guys!" Doug said with a smile which made us all cheer and scream! "What happened to the car?!" Doug asked "Ah, a tiger may have ruined it as we pushed the car to its owner's house for the last mile cause it woke up!" Stu said making Doug confused "It's fine! Phil has a great person who does interior in LA!" I said as Phil nodded "Ok!" Doug said as he then looked down to my left hand, this is it, this is when I tell my brother I married his best friend that's also my best friend! "Did you get married?!" Doug asked me "Yes! Doug, please don't freak out!" "Who did you marry?!" Doug asked  "I married Phil but he said he loved me and I love him s-" "Congratulations!" Doug said interrupting me "What?!" "Congrats! I'm happy for you two! I always knew you would eventually be together!" Doug said "So your not mad?!" Phil asked "No man! I know you love her a lot and I know she really loves you! Just don't break her heart you asshole!" Doug said snickering a bit "I won't!" Phil said snickering "Thanks Doug!" I said hugging him "Oh and if we're talking about people getting married, I think you should know Stu married a girl named Jade who is a very sweet and nice person, that is also a hooker!" I said laughing "LILY!" Stu yelled which made Phil and Alan start laughing "We said we wouldn't talk about that!" Stu said as he slightly pushed me "Sorry!" I said laughing "Wow Stu! Good one!" Doug said, just then a van that's from a tux shop comes right beside us beeping at us "That's him!" Alan said getting up, Alan called a guy he knew that worked at a tux shop to come and bring some tuxedos for the guys and a dress that looks exactly like the bridesmaids dress that I was supposed to wear which is at my house!

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