Day of the Fight pt 2

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3rd person pov:

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3rd person pov:

The Cullens, minus Edward, we're awaiting the arrival of the newborns. Alice was the one to keep them updated for she was able to see them.

"They're almost here," says Alice. The family stand still, stiff as a stone.

In the mind of Rosalie, she was hoping to get this battle and over with. She hated not being near her sweet baby, even if she is legally not her or by blood.

Next to Rosalie's left side, there was another person in deep thought.

Jasper's thoughts were full of Aurora and how she is safe away from this. He knew he could trust Tanya and Kate because they are family. Family takes care of family.

He was wishing the same as Rosalie. For this battle to be over with. All he wants to do is be back next to Aurora.

Across the field, branches were broken as the army arrived. Pretty soon, both sides of the field clashed with each other.

Along with the Cullens, the Quilete wolf pack had joined them. As they were fighting, a russet brown wolf had just arrived. The wolf being Jacob immediately tore into the stone flesh of the newborns.

Up in the mountains, Edward was keeping track by reading the mind Seth, who was ordered to stay away from the fight.

Bella was with him, worried for everyone. Everyone but her own sister.

"She's coming. I can read her thoughts. She didn't see me at the field and followed my scent up here. But she's not alone," Edward says as he felt another presence.

Coming out of the snow covered trees, a newborn by the name of Riley, appears from the trees. Jumping onto a tree branch, Victoria sets herself down, watching the interaction between Edward and her 'mate'.

Edward tried to convince Riley about the truth, but due to his arrogance, Riley listened to Victoria. He charges at Edward, only to be stopped by Seth as he clamped down into his wrist and bit off Riley's hand.

After seeing Riley go down, Victoria jumps down to take off, only to be antagonized by Edward.

A few feet away from them, Seth was knocked unconscious due to Riley getting free and knocking him into a boulder.

Bella see this, turns to find a sharp edged rock. As she looks back up, Edward was in a choke hold by Victoria while his arms were being held back by Riley.

As Victoria was about to tear the head off of Edward, the scent of blood stopped her. All three vampires turn to the source and see Bella had cut her arm, allowing time for Edward to push Victoria away and Seth to attack Riley once again.

It took a while, but Edward was able to behead Victoria and the battle below was over as well. Edward stood up and wrapped Bella's bleeding arm with a torn piece of her shirt.

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