chapter 3

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Me: Craig?

he shut the door behind him and walked over to me without making eye contact.

Craig: you ok?

Me: um yeaaaah? but why do you care?

Craig: look don't start an attitude with me i just came here to see if you were fine allright?

Me: i am but still why do you ca-

Craig: did you just hear what i said? i just came here to see if you were fine and you are so now i can leave but did anyone else come in here that you've never seen before?

Me: um no? 

He stuffed his hands into his pockets then left without a word. What.The.Fuck just happened? i am so confused right now. Did Craig Crippen, my bully and the one who hurt me just ask if i was OK? what the hell? And what was he talking about seeing someone i didn't know? i just don't even know anymore. i checked my phone and looked at the time. 1:45am... hmm Yeah she's most likely up. i then dialed Arriana's number and decided to talk to her. i heard it ring a few times and then heard shuffling in the background.

Arriana: hey

Me: hey we needa talk can you and the girls come over here?

Arriana: um what time is it?

Me: uh almost 2

Arriana: girl visiting times are over. how bout this we'll come over tomorrow afternoon all right?

Me: okaaaaayy

Arriana: ok well see you tomorrow bye

Me: bye

with that we hung up and i layed back in the hospital bed with a long sigh. Ugh, i already know i'm not getting any sleep tonight. i switched on the t.v. and flipped through the channels. Of course like usual nothing good is on. i just left it on Disney Channel and watched the re-runs but i wasn't paying much attention. Sooo many thoughts ran through my mind causing me to get a head ache. Great just what i need. i held my head in my hands and shut my eyes tight. i have to atleast get somewhat of sleep even if it's like 10 minutes. i had my hands over my face trying to fall asleep when once again i heard the door open. Man are you kidding me? i moved my hands away from my face and looked up to see some guy dressed in all black. Who the hell is this? He walked up to me and just starred at me. i just starred back giving him a what-the-fuck? face. i then finally got the nerves to ask him what's he doing here.

Me: um exuse me but who are you and what are you doing here?

he just starred at me and reached into his pocket then pulled something out set it on the table and left..... What the actual fuck? what was that all about. i was now getting extremely tired so i was just like fuck it i'll look and see what it is in the morning. And before i knew it i was passed out.





i opened my eyes for a quick second to see Ray walking in. i groaned and just hid under the covers.

Ray: awwh don't be like that c'mon it's 3 you gotta get up.

i felt the bed covers being lifted and i opened my eyes to see Ray standing infront of me.

Me: ugh fine.

i sat up and grabbed my bottle of water off the side table and saw a piece of paper. Eh i'll look at it later. I took a drink then looked back at Ray.

Ray: the doctor said you can leave tomorrow so maybe we can go visit mom.

Me: wait you mean your's or mine?

Ray: well it's both of ours since we are brother and sister ya know.

Me: yea i know that but which one? like the one at my house or your's?

Ray: your's since i already know the one at mine is my step mom since we look NOTHING alike.

Me: u-uh... maybe some other time...

Ray: why i wana meet my mom

Me: um can't.

Ray: why not?

Me: ummmm becaauuusssee uh-

Ray: Ash i know you're looking for a lie to say right now tell me the truth why can't i meet her?

Me: *sigh* she's a drug addict and.... a whore...

i looked up at Ray and he was just looking at me like i was crazy.

Ray: wha-what? no she can't be!

Me: Ray listen to me! She is! and i would know this because i live with her!

Ray let out a long aggravated sigh and paced around the room but then stopped and starred at the side table.

Ray: what's this?

Me: what do you mean?

Ray: this.

he held up a piece of paper then opened it and read it. i watched his lips move as he read it in a mumble so that i couldn't hear. but then he stopped and i heard him say "shit" under his breath.

Ray: we gotta get you out of here.

Me: what do you mean? whats going on?

Ray went to unhook something but then the door busted open and in walked Arriana, Nyla, and Simone.

Nyla: wait what's going on?

Arriana: yeah what's Ray doing?

Ray: i'm saving my sister that's what i'm doing.

Simone: what do you mean saving your sister? what's going on Ash?

Me: i-i don't know. Ray tell us what the fuck is going on?!

Ray just ignored all of us and continued unhooking stuff when Roc walked in.

Roc: wassu- Ray what are you up to?

Ray: Brandon's back

i looked over at Roc who had a shocked look plastered on his face. He then hurried over to help out Ray.

Simone: babe what are you doing?

Wait did she just call Roc Babe? well i'm guessing they're dating but i'm not surprised i had it coming.

Roc: helping your friend but i need you to do me a favor.

Simone: what?

Roc: i need you and your other friends to get out of here.

Simone: how? you're the one who drove us here and what the hell is going on?

Roc: i'll tell you later but here take my car now go!

Roc tossed his keys over to Simone and the girls walked out but then Nyla poked her head back in.

Nyla: Um quick question. where do we go?

Ray: One of your houses just text me who's and the directions and we'll be there soon.

Nyla: gotcha

Nyla gave Ray a thumbs up and ran off to the others. Roc stood up and Ray came over to me and lifted me up off the bed.

Me: Ray what the fuck are you doing?!

Ray: i'll explain later just hurry up and get dressed.

He tossed me my extra pair of clothes and i wobbled into the bathroom and quickly changed. Then Ray and Roc snuck me out and drove off. I still wonder what the hell is going on but they either ignore me or say "i'll explain later" everytime i ask them. Then i noticed something this might be about that one guy who came into my hospital room last night and i remember Craig asking me if someone i've never met visited....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2012 ⏰

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