Chapter 13: Am I dead?

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Chapter 13: Am I dead?


I am numb. I am conscious, but I can not move my body. I open my eyes and I am met with darkness.

What Time is it?

I remember the arrival of the paramedics in the house. They brought me to the hospital, but I don't know what Hospital. I am too far gone from the pain that I don't know what happened next.

I can gather that I am in a dark room and I don't know why I cannot move my body. I tried to speak but it is painful. A glass of water should be nice at this time.

Suddenly a door that I know exist, but I don't know where is located opened. The light in the hallway pass through the open door and I only saw the shadow of the person who entered the room. Is it a ghost? But it opens the door. Can a ghost touch some stuffs? Maybe this one.

I heard the door closes. As I hear its footsteps approaching me, so I ask whatever entity it is that entered my room.

"Are you a Human?" What? I need to be sure! You'll never know in this age!

A deep voice answered back. "Yes? Maybe? but some called my features out of this world if that counts."

The light suddenly opens, and I just close my eyes because like I mention earlier I can not really move my body so I can not cover my eyes with my arms. Let me tell you the light in this room is really bright. Even Edward Cullen will sparkle like a friggin God on how bright this light is.

I open my eyes slowly and right in front of me is an angel. He looks blurry at first but as the time pass by I can see the person in front of me clearly. Those grey-blue eyes are staring right into my soul.

"Am I dead?" I whispered.

The angel replied "Not on my watch Missy"

"Then why there is an angel in front of me?" I ask him once more.

"If I don't know you. I'll think that you are weird right now, but I know that is normal for you drugged or not." He smiled showing his dimples.

I just stare at his face. Memorizing every inch of it.

I heard the angel mutter" any minute now." Any minute of what?

Isn't funny that He has the same eyes as Gideon?


Grey- Blue eyes.


Black Hair.

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