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Your P

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Your P.O.V

I woke up in my bed lazily and fiddled with the broken locket beside me as I clasped it around my neck. It never opened and it probably never would. I always wore it around my neck. I didnt know much about it. It had been passed down my family supposedly and my mother told me it was broke. To me it was something of a family heirloom. I stretched tiredly and rolled over to the other side of the bed. My door opened. I groaned. "What the hell are you still doing in bed? Its 11am!", she walked into my bedroom and pulled my covers back. "Tam-Tam, I love you and all, but step the fuck away from my bed it's only 11am!", I threw a pillow at her. "My goodness is that anyway to treat your oldest friend?!", she gasped fakely. "Sshh you're hurting my head Tammy!", I sighed. "I brought you smoothies in bulk?", she sang in a sing song voice. I shot up, ran to the kitchen and kissed her cheek. "You're an angel. I love you", I smiled. "How are the kids?", I asked. "Good", she smiled. "And your husband?", I wiggled my eyebrows. "He's fine", she laughed. "And yes Debbie's still out of prison", she added. "Go Deb I say", I laughed. "Go get dressed we're going for a run", she nudged me. I groaned. "Uh smoothies", she reminded. "Fineeee", I groaned and grabbed my sports clothes going to the bathroom. I shoved them on and fixed my hair. I walked out, lacing my trainers up and grabbing one of the large smoothie bottles. "Lets go before I change my mind", I took a swig.


"Anyone in your life at the moment?", she wiggled her eyebrows as we jogged. "Well theres this one girl. We travel together", I smiled. "Ooh a girl this time. Do go on", she nodded. "She's honestly amazing and I think I like her but she wouldnt go for someone like me", I scoffed. "Wouldnt she now?", she rose an eyebrow. "She's funny. Witty. Smart. Gorgeous", I sighed. "Ooh you're in deep L/N", she laughed.

The Doctor's P.O.V

I slipped my coat on, walking out of the TARDIS for a walk like I usually did early on in the mornings to clear my head. I began to walk until I saw to figures jog towards me. I awkwardly waved. She jogged up to me and stopped. "Hey", she breathed. "Hi", I smiled. "Who's this?", the girl asked. "Tam-Tam I swear", she threatened. "I'm the Doctor", I put my hands in my pockets. "I'm Tammy", she blonde headed girl smiled, her curly locks bouncing. "Nice to meet you Tammy", I cleared my throat. I took notice of the wedding band on her finger and smiled. Good. "So how do you know Y/N?", I asked. "Tam and I grew up together", Y/N smiled. "How do you know her, Doctor?", Tammy enquired. "We travel together", I nodded. Y/N face palmed. "Oh you travel together", Tammy laughed. "Beat it Tammy I'll see you in a minute", Y/N groaned.

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