Chapter One: Pax 2016

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  Jack's POV
Ugh. My head hurts, that was the longest plane ride ever. But it's all worth it to be able to go to pax this year, and be able to finally see Mark in person. My phone dings again for the millionth time, it's Sienna. Again. She's been texting me ever since we broke up. Because of airplane mode, I finally got a break from her nagging. I had been wanting to break up with her, but I didn't have the heart to, no matter how hurt she left me. So when she got mad at me one day and pretended to break up with me, I took her seriously and just left. She was mean to me so she deserved it anyway. I wouldn't say she was abusive, but.... Anyways, I'm here to have fun with my YouTube friends. Oh,
shoot! Right, Mark's supposed to pick me up for dinner in 30 minutes. I'm going to this American place called Scarecrow, whatever the heck that place is, nevertheless I'm very excited to see my friends.

   I have to flag down a taxi I guess, I've had a lot of practice since I've moved to England, things can get pretty busy sometimes.
   I'm finally checked in to my hotel, and my mind is racing. I can barely say thank you to the person who gave me my key because I'm so excited. I wonder if Mark is really that nice in person. I also wonder what bob is like to be around, or wade! God I'm so excited. I thought to myself. I can finally meet everyone who I've been close with the last few years!! I'm literally shaking with excitement so much that I can barely even text Mark I'm ready for him to pick me up. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and press send. Mark replies surprisingly very quickly but what he says disappoints me a little. 'I completely lost track of time, I haven't even left my hotel room yet, I'm really sorry Jack, this is a terrible first impression, also, what hotel are you staying at, I need to know where to pick you up' I quickly text Mark the hotel I'm staying at then walk out of my hotel room. Right as I made my way down the hall, I immediately crash into someone and we both get knocked to the ground. Dammit, my head... I think as I quickly get up saying sorry to whoever I hit and started to walk away, not bothering to look at the person. Then I hear a familiar voice, "Jack? Oh my god, Jack!" I finally turn around, then I see him. It's Mark... shoot, Its Mark! I may be a popular YouTuber but I'm still a giant fanboy of Markiplier, he's my idol, for quite a while now actually...
   We kept on looking at each other, not really knowing what to do. Come on, think of something, anything! I thought to myself. "Uhh... Hi?" I said breaking the awkward silence. Okay, something better than 'Hi', Jack. Without my consent, Mark pulled me into a hug. Honestly, I didn't mind. I mean we were friends after all, friends
who haven't met, until now. Earlier, multiple times, I had reviewed with myself what I wanted to say to Mark. I wanted to make a good impression, because those are the most important... But in that moment, actually seeing him in front of me... I forgot all about it. After that one may think it would be awkward riding in an elevator, but it wasn't. Mark and I talked about recent video games we've played and recommended ones two each other. We also talked about how awesome pax was going to be, by the time we had talked about that, we were in his car. I completely trusted him, we were best friends after all.

*ding* I look at my phone
{Ten Messages from: Sienna my ex}

Mark looks over and sees my depressed face. Out of the corner of my eye I see his chocolate eyes glaze over with concern. I don't want
to worry Mark but I can't tell him about Sienna, not now. He was struggling with himself on whether or not he should ask about it, he must of decided to leave me alone because he just turned and kept on driving. I decided I'd tell him eventually but I don't want to ruin his time at pax, maybe on the last day after our panel I'll tell him, just so he knows. With that we sat in a silence that again one might think would be awkward but it wasn't, it was just comfortable silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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