S e v e n t y - S i x

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"Who could be so important that you're not even paying attention to me?" Jungkook whined, his head turning to the side every so often, and every time being scolded by his boyfriend.

"No one baby, just drive, or would you rather kill us both?" Jimin snickered, typing away on his phone.

The ravenette decided to give up for now, though the unsettling feeling that Jimin was being swept away by someone else kept lingering in the back of his mind.

"Hey Kook, do you think we could run by your work really quick, Jin said he thinks he left his favorite sweatshirt there the other night..." Jungkook sighed as he turned right at the next light, his whole mood gone to shit.

Jungkook kept eyeing at Jimin every so often, and at one time getting a glance at the name 'Joonie' placed at the top of his texts.

"Why are you texting Namjoon?" Jungkook asked as Jimin's face distorted into a look of worry.

"O-oh Nothing, he was just asking me about Jin..." Jimin mentally high fives himself as he went back to his phone, deciding it would be best to dim the screens light.

Something that Jungkook took complete notice in.

"Oh that's weird... cause Namjoon told me that Jin has been practically living with him for the past week..."

Jimin couldn't help but nervously chuckle as he nodded, hoping to god that Jungkook wouldn't find out.

Cause then everything would be ruined.

The rest of the car ride consisted of awkward tension that was trying to be drowned out by KARD Playing loudly on the radio.

Jimin's heart was beating as the two pulled up to the studio, the elder hoping that his plan wouldn't fail, hoping that Namjoon could get everything ready before Jungkook found out.

"I'll text Namjoon and tell him we're here, I don't want to have to get out..." Jungkook started messaging the blonde on his phone when a loud gasp gained his attention.

"What the—"

"Look Kookie!!!" Jimin started jumping in his seat excitedly, "what's that?"

Jungkook furrowed his brows as he tried to find what made his boyfriend so excited, and before he knew it, Jimin was half way across the parking lot running like a mad man.

"For fucks sake Chim..." Jungkook grumbled as he unbuckled quickly and ran after his blonde counterpart.

"He— ah, he's c-coming..." Jimin panted, completely out of breath, blaming himself for not going to the gym with Jungkook as often as he should.

Mingyu and Namjoon were giggling slightly at the out of shape boy.

The three didn't have much time as Mingyu went back to his office and started setting things up, his mind wandering off to the moment that him and his boyfriend had done the exact same thing together.

Because getting couple tattoos were not to be taken lightly, the permanent ink in place as an unbreakable bond between the two. 

"What has gotten into you Park Jimin..." Jungkook had finally come inside the building, the boy not even breaking a sweat, but was met with a slightly teary eyed boyfriend and two tattoo artists with their complete equipment, ready to go.

"What's going on?" Jungkook looked over to Jimin who nodded towards Namjoon, the blonde taking his best friend into his own office, and it didn't take Jungkook long after he saw Jimin go with Mingyu, on what exactly was happening, and even the tough tatted boy was getting completely emotional.

Jimin had planned for the two to get bonded to each other.

And it was then that Jungkook knew....

Jimin was the one.

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