The day i meet Lord Sesshomaru

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I wake up with a little girl head in my lap. I streched a little which caused her to wake up.

"Hey little girl did you sleep well?"

"My name Rin and yes i did." she said smiling up at me.

I handed her a slice of bread,she took it and started to eat.

"Hey setsuko have her with her while find some more water."

She whinned at me but she didnt fellow me. It take me 30 minutes to reaches a river. I got down on my knees and fulled my canten with water. After filling up my canten i desided to take a bath in the river. I take off my clothes layed them down on a treestomp never the river. I step into walked to the middle of the river and started up clean up when i heared something in the comeing. From the scent i could tell it was a wolf. It appered near my clothes,it was a grey wolf. It smelled my clothes for a bit then take then take my clothes into its month and jump cross the river.

"Hey bring them back!" i yelled run after the wolf.

The wolf run to a clearing where the most handsome demon I have every seen. He had long white hair, purplelish makers on his face, and blue cresent moon in the middle of his forehead, luckly for me he was a sleep. The wolf started jumped over him and when it was direct over him the wolf droped my clothes right into his lap.

"Crap, this not good i can't go near him like this but i have to get my clothes."


Rins P.o.v

It been a hour since that girl left to get water me and her pup was shorting to get worried.

"Hey Setsuko I think we should go search for her."

Setsuko barked in agreement. So we started going the way she went. We made it to a river which we stoped to rest for a bit. By a treestomp we find Setsuko find her master shoes, and brought them to me. I set down and looked at them but before i could look them i started to fell a sleep.


Nina p.o.v

I slowed maked my way closer to him quitely. I was in arm reach distant from my clothes. I reaced for them he wake up. I freeze when i say his yellow eyes stareing at me.

"um um sorry but a wolf stole my clothes and droped them on your lap."

I saw his eyes travel down my naked body. He picked up my clothes off his lap and handed them to me.

"So do you know where that little girl is you were with early is."

" Rin? Yea she with my wolf pup."

"Can you take me to her after you put your clothes back on?" he asked looking away from me.

I quickly take my clothes and got dressed.

"Why can't you find her you know her scent."

"Your and your wolf scent is covering it up." he said get up.

"Alright then fellow me by the whats your name"


We start walk the way i came from, we walking in silence. I would look back very once and while to see if he was still behind me. Everything i looked back he was glaring at me my guess was that he was trying to figure me out. I wasnt paying attation to where i was steping and i triped over a rot of a tree. I was about to fall when Sesshomaru grabbed by the waist pulled me close.

"Becareful where you're talking little wolf."

"My name not little wolf it Nina by the way."

He noticed that he wasstill hold me so he let go. We contine to walk in silence but this time it was an acward silence. We finally made it to the river when i saw Rin and Setsuko sleeping by the treestomp were my shoes were.

"There she is aw she sleeping."

I looking byside her there was my sword and bag.

"No wonder she was tired." I said picking my sword and putting it on my back.

"Rin and Setsuko wake up." i said petting Setsuko head.

She and Rin wake up. When Rin saw Sesshomaru she jumped up and ran to him.

"Lord Sesshomaru."

"Where Jaken Rin?"

"I here my Lord." Jaken said caming out of the bushes with a two headed beast.

Setsuko let out a warning growl at the Jaken. Rin and me started to giggle.

"It seem Setsuko doesn't like you." Sesshomura said

Setsuko stop growling at Jaken when Sesshomura said her name. She ran up to  him and started to wang her tail at me. I set down on the treestomp

"It seem Lord Sesshomura  that my pup as taking a liking to you."

"It seem so Nina."

"So that you name it pretty, Oh thank you for watching me last night." Rin said giving me a hug

My top ear started to hear something came our way. I got up and pulled my sword. I faced the way the sound was come. Out of  the wood 3 spirder demon came.


(To know what going to happen you have to wait intel next chapter. plz leave comments.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2012 ⏰

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