We cant stay young forever...

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It was a normal day at the treehouse,everything was fine but it wouldn't last long...

Your P.O.V(wassup bitches)
I wasn't expecting this to happened but I knew that,the others would be upset at this but I have to tell them

I started to walk down the hall to the living room,where the others were(I think it was the living room)

"Hey guys"I say softly(wow shy potato)

"Hey number 6"Said Number 3 with a smile(its my boo Kuki ^-^)

"I need to talk to you guys"...

"What is it?? Said number 1 our leader

"Im moving...


"You can't leave your one of our best teammates"said number 1

"I'm sorry but it wasn't my decision"

"Plus my birthday is tomorrow,that's means I have to be Commissioned(I think that's how you say it,lol I can't spell)

"You can't leave,you're my best friend"Kuki yelled(T^T)

"You are one of our good friends we can't let you go"Number 5 said aka Abigail(yasss queen)

I'm sorry...

Then you ran off(dang that's tough)

The next day...

You were on your way to moon base for that day the only day you will forget your life for good

You went with Number 86 to the room and say down in a chair

"Good bye number 6"she said softly

"You know we can't stay young forever"

Then you forgot everything

A/N:BITCH WHAT THE FUCK,WHERE THE HELL YOU BEEN.I know I'm sorry again I been busy lately with school and with homework which sometimes I don't do...anyways I get triggered at my self for not doing anything

anyways I get triggered at my self for not doing anything

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