Dulani( part one of two)

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I paced near the balcony as I waited for Dul to finish getting ready. My fingers brushed my pocket, hunting for my cigarettes. I flip the top on the carton and pull out a smoke putting it between my lips. Quickly I pat down my pants looking for my lighter. I light my smoke and inhale as I slide the pack of smokes into my leather jacket. This is the second time this week Dul and I decided to go out to the clubs. Well Dul decided to.

" Dul hurry up!" I shout from the balcony finishing off my cigarette, putting it out in the small astray . As I step inside her door opens and she steps out of her room, softly closing the door behind her. " Ready? " She nodded and steps towards the door, opening it walking out leaving me to lock the door behind us.

Us going out to the clubs was not an uncommon practice. We usually went twice every couple of weeks, but since Dul was out of school we had been frequenting the club down the street a bit more.

Her soft chocolate hair swished back and forth as we walked down union street. I light up another cigarette, looking at the bit of my sleeve, that's in the process of being shaded, poking out from the sleeve of my jacket.

The club was starting to fill up by the time we arrived and people were already wasted. I ordered Dul and I some drinks and grabbed us a small bar table in a corner. She downed the first drink and ordered us some shot, which I reluctantly took. Before I knew it Dul was on the dance floor. I stayed back at the table, leaning against it, watching her. Dul would periodically look back to me and smile as she moved in time to the beat of the music, and every so often a random guy would grab her waist and try to keep up with her hips.

Later on in the night Dul came back to me and ordered more shots, which this time around, I gladly took. She was far gone and I knew that she was almost done for the night. Before I could suggest that we go home, she dragged me onto the floor and started dancing. I followed her and closed my eyes, listening to the music, letting the vodka take over. When I opened my eyes I could see Dul grinding on some guy off to the side. I tried to keep my eyes on her but random girls kept getting I front of me. Eventually, I looked down and grabbed on girls hips and moved with her.

As last call came, I looked for Dul, hoping to get her home safely. Not being able to find her in the busy club I asked the bartender if she had seen her.

" Oh ya she went home with some big guy a while ago. Said to tell, Jordan, that she would be home in the morning. " she said, mixing up a brew of schnapps and vodka, " I assume you're Jordan."

I fumbled with the keys as I tried to get into our apartment, finishing another smoke. The apartment was quiet and dark. I sat on the couch flicking three netflix, waiting for Dul. Starting to worry slightly before I crashed.

As the sun peaked threw the drapes, I heard the door creak open. I rolled over to the timer on the oven,10:34. Dul threw her shoes in the closet and flopped on the couch near my feet. She looked like someone had smothered her with a blanket, not to mention she looked like she didn't get a single ounce of sleep.

As I sit up I pull her toward me, " Get some rest Dul." I let's her get comfortable before I started playing with the tips of her hair. Soon she fell asleep in my lap, murmuring softly every so often.

The next couple weeks Dul seemed off; She was cranky and tired, It seemed like she was almost never sleeping, she was sick most days and always hungry. Finally I convinced her to see a doctor about it. She was out at her appointment and I could stop thinking of the possibilities. Dul was careful and was always safe when she hooked up with a guy, so I was doubting pregnancy. But there were really no other options, that I couldn't think of.

I was on the balcony, taking a drag of my smoke when I heard her enter the apartment. Looking over my shoulder I could she her scared expression, I suddenly feared the worse. She came out and leaned against the rail of the balcony, resting her head in her hands.

" Jordan. " Her eyes wandered to mine, " Jordan I'm pregnant, and I'm scared, and I don't want to take this on by myself. "

I take a deep breath, putting my smoke out. My arms wrap around her lightly caressing her belly. " Dul. I promise to you that I will help you. There is no way I'm letting you go through this battle alone. And I know that it's not mine but I'm gunna make sure I'm gunna be one hell of a dad. "

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