Chapter 6

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Taking a deep breath you took your first step on the docks of the Koa Empire. You took a moment to readjust your balance from the constant sway of the ship to the steady ground beneath you. But there was more to adjust to than just your balance. You were taken aback by the magnificence and rhythmic structure of the city. It was breathtaking, in a conformed organized type of way. People wore clothing colored based on their class and status. The architecture was angular yet spectacularly detailed and uniform. The government buildings were plaid in elegant redwood and their rectangular arches rimmed in gold, capturing the sun in its reflection.
"(Y/n) ! Would you stop gawking. You look like a damned fool." Jafar brushed past you roughly, "remember we're here as 'merchants' not as tourists. Lets get a move on." Snapping yourself back to your senses, you followed Jafar off the docks and headed down the market streets of koa. Everywhere people in their designated colored attire dashing about, merchants vying for your attention, promoting various rare items you had never seen. There was order among the classes, where people seemed to have purpose and energy, no homeless or hungry person in sight. Yet, something felt off. Like the air was shrouded with invisible miasma. Dark vibes seemed to omit from somewhere in this vibrant country. What is this bad feeling? Almost like someone was watching you intensely, sending the hairs on the back of your neck to shiver. But as quick as the feeling came it vanished. Instantly. You shook your head and returned ur attention to the brilliant city. That boat ride must have messed with my head a bit... you brushed off the odd feeling and rushed after Jafar.


A few hours later you had set up shop with little help from Jafar, who seemed to think ordering you around while you put together the table was contributing enough. Finally with everything set up neatly, you looked over your produce proud of how professional you made the stand look. You had a variety of woven baskets filled with exotic fruits you had been given by King Sinbad. The fruits were from all over the world that had been collected and imported to Sindria. From strange snapping looking plants from Heliohapt, to Icenberries from Imchuck, your produce excelled when it came to foreignity compared to some of the other shops neighboring your own.
"(Y/n)," Jafar tapped your shoulder, "could you hold up here? I'm going out to look for lodging within our budget." He stated while motioning to down the main street.
"Yeah i've got it from here. Dont pick a place thats too cheap, ok?" I gave him a reassuring smiled as he rolled his eyes and strode off.
      A lot of people were fascinated by our fruits eccentric and unique colors so naturally quite a few people purchased. Although, their currency perplexed you. It wasn't the gold or silver trinkets used almost universally across the different prominent lands, instead they used papers with assigned values. You had heard of this before but never seen this type of money with your own eyes. As you were contemplating these innovations, suddenly your stomach dropped like a pit, warding the same bad vibe you had gotten only a few hours before. It felt like something dark and forboding was watching you, stalking from some hidden place you couldn't pinpoint. You placed you hand on your forehead trying to rid yourself off the negative aura. What is this? Seasickness? No... This isn't the same...
"So are you gonna sell me this fruit, or are you gonna just sit there looking stupid." Glancing up you tried to push away the feeling. A young man with ebony hair and intense eyes was glaring down at you smugly holding a peach from one of your baskets. You didn't like the feeling you got when your eyes met. It was like icicles forming under your skin, sending chills down your spine, causing you to shiver in the blazing heat of the summer. "Cmon lady, your wasting my time. I dont feel like waiting here all day." His tone was sharp and threatening but something about the way he was watching you made it feel like he wasn't there solely for the fruit alone. His eyes were searching and curious, like he was trying to peer into your mind and soul.
"I-I'm sorry to to keep you waiting sir," you scrambled to compose yourself, fighting to keep your fear clean from your expression. Im imagining things. I must have some type of sickness I picked up on the travels. Theres nothing to be afraid of right now.
As he reached to hand you the money, your gazes locked again. His crimson eyes and dark hair was almost entrancing. Despite the dark vibes you got from him, his appearance was actually quite handsome. He had a slime yet toned frame with a sharp jaw and thick brows. When you exchanged the money you noticed his focus shifted down your neck and towards the mark Sin left on your collarbone. Something seemed to wash over him, as if he found whatever he was looking for in you. His eyes widened a bit and his curious expression from before vanished into a knowing smirk. You felt your blood rush to your face when you realized what he was looking at and quickly hid the mark with the sleeve of your clothes. He let out a knowing smug chuckle as he glowered down at you.
"You should hide marks like those better, or else someone might get the wrong idea." He tossed the peach in his hand examining its colors while he spoke. Wait. What did that twat  just say!? A mix of anger and embarrassment rushed your face.
"You should really mind your business, sir, I can handle myself quite fine, thank you." You huffed contemptibly at him, dropping all tone of respect that you gave to previous consumers. Something about the way he looked down on you put you off and you snapped. He lifted his brows, taken aback by your unexpectedly fierce retort.
"Oh?" he said all of a sudden not interested in his time being "wasted".  He dragged his gaze up your figure studying you, seemingly intrigued now.
"I don't doubt that," a smirk crept onto his lips. He looked like a cat stalking it pray. "Especially, since someone as lowly as a merchant is rarely seen scolding a man of high social ranking. Your abilities must match your big talk then?" abruptly being reminded of your status in this mission, you jolted and stiffly bowed at the arrogant manchild. "I apologize for my rudeness, sir." You were grasping on to every last hint of dignity you could as the man stood before you with that creepy unreadable grin on his face.
"What a lame response, I'm bored of this," he scoffed and tossed the peach in his hand one last time before turning his back and glancing over his shoulder contemptly, "Though, I don't think this will be the last time we will meet," he gave you a playful wink before disappearing in the sea of people.
     You stared blankly down the crowded street. "What a strange man. I hope his prediction is way off. In fact, I'll steer clear from him if I spot him ever again." You thought to yourself regaining your composure.


Later that night you lay up in your room, staring up at the wooden ceiling above your bed. It was quite late but you couldn't sleep. I mean how could you? Tomorrow you would be infiltrating the Koa castle. There was a lot that could go wrong. After all, your disguise wasn't bullet proof, you studied the silver bracelet that hugged your wrist loosely. Your djinn could change the way you appear, but couldn't suppress your ruhk. In addition, you you were warned that the Koa empire had a magi, if he were to see me in my temporary form, he'd see through my illusion instantly. On top of that, i cant hold the form forever, if i were to run out of magoi or fall unconscious i would revert back to my original state. You ran your fingers across the seal Sin put on you. Of course, I'll have a bit of extra magoi thanks to Sinbad... you felt your cheeks warm ever so slightly at the thought of his lips brushing against your neck. And the way he held your waist, gently get firm.
" NONONONO!" You flipped over and screamed into your pillow your cheeks now as bright as the fruits you sold. Sighing you rolled back onto your side and stared at nothing in particular. He was just trying to help me, that was all. And when he apologized he really meant it, it all meant nothing to him tho, right? So i shouldn't over react.
You jumped at the sudden frantic knock at your door. "(Y/n) are you alright?! I heard you scream and came as fast as I could!" The voice came from a frantic sounding Jafar.
"Your hearing things! Go to sleep! We have a big day tomorrow!" You yelled back through the door.
"B-but i heard you scream?! Ah never mind, I'm going back to sleep! Try and keep your damned sleep screaming down!" You giggled as you heard him storm off back towards his room, shaking the walls as he slammed his door. Heh he's like an angry kid. You laugh to yourself then rolled back onto your back.
You continued to stare at the ceiling in thought. Something else was keeping you up, and this wasn't the effect of Sins teasing. As beautiful and extravagant as this country is, theres something off about it. That dark lingering aura that suddenly smothers out any feeling of light or purity then disappears as quick as it came. And it all seemed to emit from that boy...the one with the deep eyes and condescending smile. It almost felt like he was watching you or he had some secret agenda. You didn't like it. Who was he? He was dressed in fine material, so he has to be someone important. Whoever he is i hope he doesn't get in the way of the mission. That is the one priority, the thing you cant mess up. The rest of the night you spent restlessly turning and contemplating the day to come.

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