Chp. 9

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Hours. I had sat outside in the lobby for hours, having disturbing conversations with the panicked looking men sitting all around me.

Dug snapped his fingers in front of my face, "Hey lover boy, wake up!"

I gave him a quick glare and then ignored him. Everyone around me was jabbering quietly.

"Matthew!" Dug shouted.

My head flipped, "What?"

"They're calling you. They said your pager-"

"Oh, sorry," I stood and pulled my pager out of my pocket. "I'm coming!"

Rushing up to the front desk, I nearly tripped over my own feet.

"Watchit!" Pace caught me on the way down. "Man, are you okay?"

"I will be once I know she's alright." I answered.

"They want you in her room." Pace informed me, pulling me back on my feet.

"Let's go then," I said. "Onward my steed!"

"Are you drunk?" Pace asked before we went inside her room.

"Not that I know of, but that doesn't mean anything," I replied quietly. I waited while Pace knocked on the door, then opened it and pulled me inside.

"Matt?" Lucy looked small in her hospital bed. She was obviously exhausted and in pain.

"Lucy!" I ran to her on wobbly feet. She was still alive! Although, I had no idea why I expected she wouldn't be, but whatever.

"Calm down a bit, eager beaver," Pace commanded.

"Hush up," I growled.

He glanced at the ceiling, annoyed, "Lord help me, you're on something."

"Matt, are you okay?" Lucy's mum asked me.

"Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be fine?" I felt like I was in a fishbowl, even the nurse was staring at me!

"Nothing, it's just-" Lucy cut her mother off. Rude.

"Anyway, this is my lovely baby boy," she held up the little baby she cradled in her arms.

"It looks like a potato," I commented.

Pace looked at me, probably about to smack me, when Lucy continued, "His name is Arthur, but I'll call him Arti."

"Did you know that means 'noble strength?'" the nurse asked. Woah, why was everything fuzzy?

"No, I didn't know that," I replied.

Pace jabbed me with his pen. "Dude, you're not okay."

"He still looks like a potato," I told Pace.

"So, Lace, congratulations on the baby! I'm going to take my friend here for a long walk and pray he doesn't pass out," Pace explained, already beginning to shove me out. I glared at every person we passed until we were outside. "What the hell, Matthew?"

"What're you talking about? I'm fine." I answered.

"It looks like a potato." Pace said.

"Well, I might have had something somebody spiked at the dance." I admitted.

"Two questions: did you know and how much?"

"I knew they would probably spike the punch, somebody always does."

"Usually you."

"Yeah. I had several glasses of it," I shrugged. "No biggie."

"Like as in a full plastic cup?"

"No, as in a full chip."

Pace raised his eyebrows at me, "What?"

"You know what I mean," I started to rock back and forth on my toes, but Pace put a hand on my shoulder and stopped me.

"I really don't. My question now is why you're acting up hours later. The alcohol should have worn off a bit already."

"Pace." I remembered. "Dug gave me something. I think it was beer."

"He knows you're seventeen though."

"Doesn't matter. All of the guys were sharing them. I have a high alcohol tolerance."

"This is not the time for this! You're son is in there!"

"He's Arthur's son."

"He's not. I think Lucy wants him to be your son just as much as you do. Let her have the chance at her son having a good father. I talked to her earlier, said you asked her an exciting question."

"Are you telling me they let everyone in her room but me?"

"No, but what did you ask her?"

"I think- I think I asked her to marry me."

Pace blinked,"Marry you? You two never dated!"

"Doesn't matter to me."

"And she said yes, I assume?"

"She did."





"Stop. I'm not getting into this with a drunk guy. And never lie to me like that again! Okay?" Pace asked.

"Okay," I answered.

I'm sorry this chapter was so choppy. I wrote half asleep. I've been out and about all day.

Can I tell you how excited about the reads number I have?

If not, too bad I will anyway.

You guys are epic. I love you. The number is climbing and I love that too! thank you guys so, so much!

I'm done. Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it sucked.

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