The Boy with Tape on His Face

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So, here I am, sitting right outside my hotel just after seeing a show in Vegas. I’m tired and I can’t seem to focus on anything. That’s why I thought I was losing it when I saw a man who looked oddly like Tape Face, my favorite AGT act ever, walk by.

I’m all alone in Vegas. I don’t really have any friends or family that care about me, so I travel by myself a lot.

I’m so tired and for some reason, I actually think that it’s a good idea to go up and talk to this Tape Face lookalike. And that’s exactly what I do.

“Hey,” I say to him.

He jumps a little, making me giggle. His eyes widen and he nods at me.

“You look a lot like Tape Face,” I tell him.

His eyes get even bigger as he nods several times and points at himself.

“You are Tape Face?!” I am shocked but at the same time, I know I should’ve figured it out. Maybe I have had too much to drink. I am in Vegas and he has his House of Tape here. It only makes sense. Besides, he looks exactly like him, it’s impossible for him to be anybody else. “I’m a huge fan of yours,” I tell him.

He seems to get really excited and pleased to meet a fan.

He's so cute, I think to myself, Just look at him.

His cute eyes are wide with excitement and surrounded by thick, black eyeliner. His hair is spiked up in the back. He wears a black and white striped shirt with a black jacket over it. But the thing that makes him stand out from anyone else the most is a thick black piece of tape that covers his entire mouth.

Tape Face waves a hand in front of my face, making me realize I was staring at him for quite some time. I look away, feeling extremely embarrassed. He seems to be laughing a little underneath the tape. That makes me feel a little better. I can’t believe Tape Face just caught me staring at him. How embarrassing.

I always thought whenever he went out in public, he would change out of his costume he uses for his show, but here he is, right in front of me, with his whole getup on. Maybe he is on his way to a performance or something.

“Are you heading somewhere specific?” I ask him.

He shakes his head. He makes a few gestures with his body, indicating he was just out on a walk.

“So, why are you dressed up?” I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

His face seems to sadden at my last question. Then, he just shrugs.

“Well, since you’re not performing, maybe you could take your tape off, so we could talk?” I suggested as casually as I could.

He shook his head very quickly. He seemed to be alarmed. Then, he looked around and started to walk away.

“Wait!” I called out to him. “Where are you going?”

He turned around to look at me. His wide eyes stared at me, lacking movement. This feels awkward. He’s just staring at me like an idiot. Then, he quickly shrugs and continues walking away.

“Wait!” I start to follow him. “Why are you leaving? Did I say something?”

He slowly nodded as his shoulders drooped a little.

“What did I say?” I really don’t want him to go. He is really fun to have around.

His hands start flying around in the air in front of him. He was obviously speaking to me with his hand, but I couldn’t understand anything.

I grabbed his arm quickly to stop him. “I’m sorry. But I can’t understand you.”

He sat down on a nearby bench in defeat. We sit awkwardly for a while before I decide to speak up.

“My name is Y/N,” I tell him.

He points to the tape and then circles his finger around his face.

“I know. You’re Tape Face,” I tell him, remembering that I already said that earlier.

There seems to be something very wrong with him. And not with his personality or anything, but with his emotions. He seems very insecure and hurt. I know I should probably just be patient with him. I’ve just never met anybody like this before.

He stands up to shake my hand goodbye. I take it and look into his eyes one last time. They seem to be smiling at me. I smile at him.

Before I know it, Tape Face has vanished into the night. I walk back to my hotel room and climb underneath the covers of my warm bed. That night, I fall asleep, thinking of the boy with tape on his face.


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