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  "Don't bother running, master. Lord wants you to go back he doesn't blame you anymore. If you go back and do what he wants again he will reward you as always." one of the gang said as he hold up a gun ready to shoot.

  The masked man started laughing, slowly walking towards them clapping his hands slowly. The gang got in position, hands shaking nervously.

"You think that you can kill me?" The masked man said in a deep voice, causing the others to shiver even more in fear. Obviously frighten by the guy in front of them.

  The masked man extend his legs, kicking the gun out of the guy hand and causing him to step back in shock. They were rooted to the ground, afraid to move fearing for their life.

  "You think you can win against me?" The masked man said walking to the boy that threaten him while slaying the rest of the mens. "If you think you can then bitch, you don't stand a chance."


 Soon all of them fell on the ground, lifeless. All dead. The masked snickered, kicking away the corpse, walking over them.

  "Well down my boy." the masked man looked up, noticing the Lord in front of him. "You did a good job, this mens are useless anyways. But you my dear, are different."

  "Safe your words. I'm not going back." the masked man said, looking at the Lord in disgust. "Oh you wouldn't say that so soon, if I were to hurt that little boy."

  Those words gain the masked man interest making his heart beat quickly, he didn't want Taeyong to get hurt. He would do anything to make sure that Taeyong is safe.

  "Don't you dare hurt him!" the masked man growled at the Lord, pushing the guards in front of him.

  "Then you have to listen to my words."


  "Taeyong I want you to go to the basement now!" Jaehyun yelled making Taeyong nod his head obediently.

  Taeyong quickly made his way down the steps, entering the basement and taking the key to lock the door. He pushed two chairs to block the door to prevent it from getting kicked down.

  Taeyong was unsure of what was going on, he could only hear a few words from them. He tried hiding in the old closet that was at the back of the room.

  "Don't get hurt Jaehyun I don't want you to get bloody and trigger the change." Taeyong hurt Doyoung shouted. Change? What does he mean?

  Taeyong by now was even more confuse then ever, was he dating someone dangerous or are the people attacking them just some strangers.

  Taeyong tightly clutched his hair, he was so confuse. However, he doesn't want to be seen as someone weak.

  "What can I do? Should I help them?" Taeyong said getting out of the closet. He search around the room and found two gun, the fight was still on. He could hear it clearly.

  Taeyong took the bullets putting it into the gun, getting ready to go out. "Well well, I found you." a man shorter than him spoke, holding onto a bat.

  "Ten? Why, why are you here?" Taeyong was shocked that his best friend was in the basement, "There is a fight going on you should really go!"

  "Haha, I know. I'm here and here to take you." Ten said with a evil grin walking towards Taeyong, making him back away slowly. "You wouldn't have expect it right?"

  Ten said slowly, walking closer making Taeyong hold up the gun with a shaky hand. "You would never shoot me after all. I'm your friend, aren't I?" Ten said in a sweet voice, making Taeyong more nervous.

  "Why, what is going on?" Taeyong asked trying to get some answers. "Oh your boyfriend didn't tell you? Well let me tell you, his father. How do I put this, his father is the lord of a gang and Jaehyun is a serial killer."

  "No! Jaehyun isn't, he isn't. Jaehyun would never." Taeyong screamed at Ten covering his ears, dropping the gun.

  Ten kicked Taeyong to the ground, making him spit out the blood. "You know how pathetic you are. You trusted me for so long."

  Ten kicked Taeyong one more time, putting one foot on Taeyong's back stepping on him. "You believed that I'm always here for you."

  Ten laughed squatting down, pulling Taeyong's hair up harshly making him look up. "You are weak, Taeyong. Weak."

  Tears was falling down, he haven't felt like this for a long time. He thought Ten was his best friend. He thought Ten was the best thing he could ever asked for. He was contented with him.

  He thought, yeah thought. They were all just thought. He sincerely treat Ten as his best friend. The best he could ever asked for, he would have given up everything just for Ten.

  "Look at you now crying." Ten said hitting Taeyong's leg with the bat, making his leg break. "Ten, I thought. I thought you were my friend."

  "Yes Taeyong, you thought. But ask yourself why would I be friends with someone like you." Ten replied coldy putting a cloth around Taeyong's eyes.

  "Don't worry you will be fine." That was the last words Taeyong heard before blacking out.

"I got him lord."


Thank you once again for reading my book! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ I hope you enjoy this chapter. Unexpected twist?




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