"Crazy But True" Fan Fic - Part 1

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Alli was just chillin' in the Crush Bus with Buddy waiting for Cody to get out of the shower so she could get ready in the bathroom. Emily texted her that Ms. Patricia wanted her and Emily to come to the Love Pastry studio to do a photoshoot for the newest Pastry tennis shoes. Alli wasn't really in the mood to model, but it's her job and if she gets called in, she has to go. After Alli had finished getting ready, she had told Emily to come and pick her up. While Alli was waiting, Matt came and asked her where she was going. Alli replied, "My boss wants me and Em to come do a photoshoot and Emily's coming to pick me up and take me there." "Oh, well the whole crew was planing on heading out to the city and doing some shopping, hanging out, stuff like that." Matt said. "What?!! Oh my gosh, are you serious! Ugh, I wish I could come sosososo bad, but you know how it is... Work comes first." "Yeah, I understand. It's cool, Al!" 

When Emily finally got there, she gave Codes a quick kiss on the cheek and got back in the car with Alli.  When the girls finally got to the Love Pastry studio, there was no sign of Ms. Patty. Alli was confused. "Where's Ms. Patricia?" she asked Emily. "She's not here, sweets." "But why?! I thought she said she wanted us to do a photoshoot! Who's gonna take our pictures?!" "Nobody, sweetie. Nobody's going to take our pictures." Emily said, with a fiesty tone. "I thought we were doing a photo--" Emily cut Alli off. "There is no photoshoot, sweetie. I just told you that so you couldn't go hangout with the crew and your little 'Allinators.'" "WHAT?! Emily! You know how much I would've loved that! Why would you do that to me?!?" Alli screamed at Em. "HOW COULD YOU?!!?" Emily backed up with her hands up, sarcastically. "Woah, pretty mama. Calm your self. It's just a little fib." "A FIB?! No. That is a full out, immature lie!" Alli insisted, harshly. "That's SICK of you to do that to me. SICK!" "Alrighty, sweetheart. Let's get your little psycho self back to the city before you have another spaz attack." Emily said to Alli... Emily knew that by the time they got back, it would already be passed 6:00 PM, which means the crew would already be heading back to the bus to get ready for the show tonight. 

When they finally got back to the bus, Cody stood in the door waiting for them to come inside. But everything didn't go exactly how he thought. The car was still moving when Alli jumped out and slammed the door behind her. She stormed into the bus, shoving Cody on her way through the door. He started to go after her, but decided to ask Em about it instead. "What the hell did you do to my sister." Cody asked, demandingly. "What makes you think I did anything to her?" Emily replied, with a decieving voice and a smirk on her face. "Oh please, I know you would do something to her. Wanna know why? Because I know you. I know your personality. I know your REAL personality. And that personality of yours, wasn't sent from heaven above. No, it was sent from the opposite of that. So you need to speak up right now and tell me what exactly happened to my little sister." Cody said. "Wow, fiesty boy." Emily said to Cody with a wink. "Whatever." Cody said and walked back into the bus. Emily got back in her Mercedes and drove off.

Later, after Alli cooled down a little bit, Cody went and talked to her. "What's wrong, sis?" he asked her, calmly.  "Your freaking girlfriend! That's what's wrong!" "What happened?" "She lied to me. She told me that Ms. Patricia wanted us to come do a photoshoot for the new Love Pastry tennis shoes, but no one was there. Emily told me the only reason she did that is so I couldn't enjoy myself and have a good time with the crew, family, friends and fans in NYC!" Alli explained to Codes. "And you know how much I love spending time with them." Cody hugged Alli. He whispered in her ear, "I know, I know... I'm sorry she did this to you. That was really overboard. I'll talk to her, alright?" "Okay..." Alli said, unsurely. 

Later that night, Cody invited Emily over because he told her that he needed to talk to her.  When she got there, he explained to her everything that Alli had told him. Emily insisted that it was a lie and she didn't know Ms. Patty wouldn't be there, but Cody knew who to believe. "I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. I'm done... It's over." "What's over?" Emily asked, with attitude. "WE'RE over." Cody said firmly and walked away. Emily left without a care in the world about what has happened today.

Cody and his friend Max, who has been hanging out with him on tour for the past week or so, were just chillin' with the crew, watching "Project X" when Cody randomly shot up & sprinted out the door. He dived face down onto the ground. Matt and Jeff went to go see what he was doing when they found him licking the ground. And the trees. And the plants. And the rocks. They were so alarmed. They didn't know what he was doing. Until they saw two teenage girls laughing in awe at Cody, while holding a bottle of ketchup. They had squirted ketchup all over the area because they wanted Cody to come out of the tour bus... and their plan worked, because Cody LOVES ketchup.

When the two girls saw Jeff and Matt walking over to them, they got scared and started to run off. Jeff grabbed them by their wrists and assured them that he wasn't going to hurt them. "Did you do this?" Jeff asked them. "No." They told him. He asked them again. "Did you two squirt ketchup all over the property?" ".........Yes... Please don't call the cops, we weren't trying to be bad, we just wanted Cody to come out of the bus and--" They stopped talking when they realized that Matt, Jeff and the entire crew were cracking up at the entire thing. It turns out the girls weren't in trouble, everyone thought it was hilarious!

When Cody finally licked the area clean, he invited the girls to come and hangout in the bus. They finished watching the movie with the crew. By the end of the night, Max ended up asking Autumn out on a date... she said yes. Cody then walked Alison and Autumn outside and they all said their goodbyes. The girls ended up walking home covered in ketchup from Cody hugging them at least 100 times and thanking them at least 150.

The next day, Cody discovered an account on CWT, (a social networking site), that was all hate on Cody Simpson. They hated and judged every single thing he did. They started rumours, they started drama, they did everything they could to make Cody miserable. And it worked. Cody was miserable. It hurt him so bad that someone actually took the time to sit behind a computer all day and hate on him. He didn't know what he did to ever deserve this. And even though it really messed with his mind, he tried not to let it get to him. He's never said anything to whoever it is that owns the account, though, because it would only make it worse. The person's username on connectwfriends.org is "iHateCody123". 

The user always makes Cody feel upset, but what they posted tonight, was way worse. They took it way too far this time.... What did they post? What will Cody do about it?

Find out in Part 2 of the "Crazy But True" Fan Fic. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2012 ⏰

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