It's been 17 years since Koro sensei's death. The students in class 3-E had families now. But what will happen if Koro Sensei was alive and always get revived every time he was killed but still ends up in a yellow octopus form? And Koro Sensei is th...
"Why does she had a weird aura when I see her???" I said to myself
(She turned around me and go close to me and said)
"Have a problem Nayano Chan~???". Said the red headed girl
" and btw wake up it's time for school".
" Nayano sweetie wake up!". Mom said to me
"Don't go to school then and your dessert for breakfast is pudding". Mom said to me
~After 15 Minutes~
( I go down stairs and see my brother eating breakfast)
"Good morning oneesan~". My brother said
" Good morning too". While I'm going to eat my breakfast
"Mom where's dad btw???". I said while eating
"He go to work early".Mom said
"Ohh why???"
"You know your dad really wanted to see he's new students!".Mom said sweetly
"Oh okay, I'm done mom i'll be going now". I said when I'm going to go outside
"HEY WAIT FOR ME!". My brother said while running to me
Btw my name is Nayano Shiota daughter of Nagisa Shiota and Akari Yukimura I'm 15 y.o and I'm in Class 3-E. You know why??? Because of my low grades...And I have a brother name Ukari Shiota he's smarter than me. He's the top one student at school.
*End of Nayano's Pov*
Kamie's Pov
" Dad, Mom I'm going to school now". I said while going outside
"Sure hon always be sa-". Mom was going to say safe but dad interrupted
"Be a sadistic girl like your father!". Dad said
"Tsk okay bye". And go to school
~At school~
I go to class 3- E you know why??? I was hired to kill a yellow octopus that will destroy earth but the principal said to me that I need to stay quiet for this info and not tell anyone here or outside the school. And that's not only the reason. I always get into fights at school or scare students that pissed me off. So I end up here....The end class.....
(While I was going to go to my classroom I here students whispering about me)
" I heard she is dumb so she end up in the e -class".
"Wait is that Kamie Akabane? She's really pretty but she end up in the E-class so...Nah"
"What a loser ends up in the E class"
(I was really annoyed so I speak up)
" Tsk said it in front of me and stop whispering about me and the e class if you do.....". I saw a bottle and break it using my hands
"I will ruined your life". I said while smirking
They stop whispering and I let out a little laugh that make them more scared
" What a good show sister".
"What do you want Kannie????". I said with a annoyed look
Kannie Akabane my sister. She always annoys me even at home. My sister is the second top student at school. And I'm number 3 so it's sucks. Her class is in 3- A
"I wanted to just let you know to enjoy your life at 3- E that's all bye!". She said and turned around like nothing happens.
~At class 3-E~
I saw my classmates sitting and look sad and depress they look at me when I seated at my chair
I saw Nio looking at Nayano
"Nio did you see sir.Karasuma???". I said with a loud and energetic voice
"Oh he's just fixing he's stuff at the faculty". He said to me with a smile
Nio Nakamura son of Rio Nakamura. His mom is divorced with her husband lived in London.
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I know that Nio had a crush on Nayano 1st year in Junior high. How do you say??? You May ask. He always tease Nayano and make fun pranks on her like what I'm doing to her. One time he is worried because Nayano is badly hurt when she fall to the stairs.And said stuff about her when he is talking with our old classmates.
"Good morning class-". Koro Sensei was about to say something but all of us stand and start shooting him with anti Korosensei bullets.
We were all shooting him but his speed is to fast.
" Nayano Shiota". Korosensei said
"Here!". Nayano shouted
"Nio Nakamura". Korosensei said
"Here". He shouted
"Kamie Akabane".Korosensei said
"Here of course". I said with a smirk while shooting him
"Well that's great Kamie- Chan nurufufufufufu~". Korosensei said While doing his devilish I don't know laugh
"Himoki Maehara".Korosensei said
"Here!". She shouted
"Haiba Ryunosoke". Korosensei said
"Here". He said
"Kararuma Isogai".Korosensei said
"Here". He shouted
" Tomohito Kano"Korosensei said
"Here!".She said
(And so on and so Fort)
"Koro Sensei! Why you are so fast!!!????". Tadaomi Zaki said
"Nurufufufufu I'm afraid to tell you Zaki-Chan you'll probably know my weakness if I tell you".Korosensei said
"WHY?!!!!".All the students said in class 3-E
"Let's now begin class Korosensei".kararuma said
"Okay lets begin".
The beginning of the first day at E class is not bad after all. Probably I'll enjoy killing Korosensei in this year.