The confession

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We all went searching for Ren and when we found him we all went home and Ren told me that the only way he would forgive me is if I start calling him and Wonho and even Jackson by their real names but Jackson told me that me, Wonho, Ren and his mom are the only people who can call him by his real name which is Kayee and we are not aloud to say it in public because he doesn't want other people knowing his real name.


The next day I woke up and I got dressed and ate breakfast with my dad then went out to Jackson's house and Ren and Wonho were there as well so we all walked to school together and then when we got there we saw a huge crowd yelling out stuff about how much they love Twice  so we avoided it as usual.

"Aren't you guys ever curious of how strong Twice would be fighting a actual monster and didn't show off their powers?" Ren asked.

"Well we all have Powers class with some of the members and I don't know about you guys but I think Tzuyu is always trying to show off a little for her 'fans'" I replied.

"Dahyun is pretty strong and her ability to duplicate herself is cool" Jackson said.

"Chaeyoung is kind of artistic and is very laid back and her ability is telekinesis" Wonho said.

"Why do I always get the least friendliest one?" I said and then sigh.

"Because you are very very unlucky" Ren said.

"Yeah, you remember that time we were playing 'power tag' when we were little, and Kayee ducked my fire ball so instead it hit you" Wonho said while laughing.

"Oh how could anyone forget my amazing escape from your fire ball" Jackson said while chuckling.

Then everyone started laughing remembering that memory except me because I was pouting and I was very mad at how they were talking about times I really did not want to remember.

"Or that time we were baking and you almost got your house burned because you left the stove on even after we finished baking those cookies" Ren said laughing.

That time I couldn't hold my self from laughing so we all laughed together but we then remember school will start and I have to see Tzuyu. Then the bell rang and we went to our classes but of course I had Powers so I walked to Powers and I got there and I then Ms.Hwang started the class and said "Hello class now of course we have powers and the person who was your partner for last class will be your partner this class as well so I hope you and your partner have become friends because today this class relies fully on your friend ship with your partner because today you and your partner will work together to fight level E demons" I then gulped because I am a demon.

"What, you afraid of a level E demon?" Tzuyu whispered to me because she was trying to tease me.

"I just feel bad for demons because they always get mistreated and people always think that creatures that aren't human are evil even though they have feelings and you don't even know if your best friend is even one or not so if they are able to live lives like humans then shouldn't they be considered human?" I said.

"Well of course but do you see a demon or a creature that is nice in this world" Tzuyu said.

Then I became silent because I knew I couldn't say yes because then she would be suspicious. Ms. Hwang said our name and then summoned a level E demon.

Tzuyu started firing at the demon with her arrows while dodging is swings while I instead didn't want him to get hurt so I put one of my tags that I use to bound things to me and then he disappears because now he is in my body and the reason why I did that was so he wouldn't get hurt but I put the tag on him when nobody was looking so everybody still thought my powers were stealth and fire but the only person I know that has the art power is Ren.

Ms. Hwang and the whole class including Tzuyu were dumb founded by what happened but then Ms. Hwang said "So who has bounding tag abilities?" everybody in the class were shocked because they had all only heard about that power in books and it is a very rare power and because it is everybody looked at Tzuyu but she was still standing there not knowing what just happened so everybody then averted their eyes to me and of course I was not fazed one bit so one of them asked me "Do you have bounding powers Y/N?"

"What are bounding tag powers?" I replied so they don't know that I actually have bounding tag powers. Then class ended so I left and while I was walking to the cafeteria I was stopped by Tzuyu and of course there were fan boys and fan girls shouting her name and stuff, so I said "Could you please move out of the way?"

"I know you have those powers Y/N, You were the only one who wasn't fazed and you weren't there when the Demon disappeared" Tzuyu said.

"I don't even know what those powers are that's why I wasn't fazed and when the demon disappeared I was trying to run up it's arm and then trap it" I said.

"With what were you trying to trap it with exactly?" She asked.

Then I just summoned my chains and said "These are what I was trying to trap it with."

Then she moved out of my way and I was able to go to see me friends so I saw them and I said "Yo guys" then they all greeted me back.

"In powers class we had to fight a E level demon but me being the soft heart I am couldn't kill it so I binded it to me, so now what do I do?" I said.

"Try talking to it before you let it out and check if it is good or evil" Ren said.

"Ok" I replied.

Then one of the twice members were walking to us, and she had bunny teeth and long black hair and said "Nice to meet you guys my name is Im Nayeon and I'm quite interested in you" She said and then pointed to me "Well you see you've caught my eye and ever since the first day of school this year I couldn't get you out of my mind so I want to ask you on a date with me tomorrow at 4:00" she continued I wasn't listening to anything she was really saying because I was caught up on eating but all I know is that it was a question so I said "Yes" and then all the guys look at me with a 'are you an idiot' expression then she left our table.

"Dude did you really except a confession from nayeon of twice"Jackson said.

"What?" I said.

"You weren't paying attention the whole time?" Ren said while being dumbfounded.

"Yes" I replied "What did she ask?" I continued.

"She asked to go on a date with you tommorow at 4:00" Wonho said.

"Really, wow am I an idiot" I said.

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