Yeah. I don't really know.

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So, I'm doing a little experiment....can I write shorter chapters and update more often? So, here's the first installment of The Conversion of Ronald Weasley. Let me know what you think, and give me some plot ideas ***PLEASE***. I have a plot bunny the size of a centimeter. I need help XD


"Mate, what's it like to kiss a bloke?"

Harry jumped and stared incredulously at his best friend of 8 years. At the questioning look Ron explained. "I just want to know what it's like. I mean, is it different from kissing a girl?" 

Harry shrugged. "What's it like to kiss a girl?" he asked. Ron laughed. "Good one, mate," he said. Harry shook his head. "No, really. What's it like?" 

Ron stopped chuckling at looked at Harry. "Mate, you know what kissing a girl is like. You kissed Cho and my sister." 

Harry shook his head. "Nope. I turned my head when Cho tried to kiss me. Then I came out to her and she said she'd keep it quiet. And Ginny figured it out before I did. She came up with the idea of us pretending to be together to hide my gayness. She's been seeing Dean all along." 

Ron's jaw dropped. "Bloody hell...mate, you've never kissed a girl?" he asked, clarifying. Harry nodded. "Yup. Only kissed guys." 

Ron let out a whoosh of air. "Well, you can't really describe what kissing a girl is like," he said. Harry raised an eyebrow. "But you want me to describe kissing a bloke?" he asked. Ron shrugged. "Fair point," he said. 

Harry leaned back against the headboard of his bed, watching as Ron did the same against the footboard. Ron grabbed a book, causing harry to snort internally as Ron stuck his nose in Quidditch Through the Ages

Harry bit his lip. He had a responsibility to his friend, and he didn't want to shirk it. However, he didn't want to make their friendship awkward and possibly lose what they already had. 

Harry crossed his legs, and his foot accidentally brushed against Ron's calf. Ron's blue eyes snapped up to meet Harry's emerald ones. 

"Sorry," Harry said, shifting again to increase the distance between them. "It's ok," the ginger replied easily, returning to his reading. 

Harry observed his friend for a few more minutes before letting out a sigh. "You know," he started, causing Ron to look back up at him, "I'm always here if you need me. I can't describe what kissing a bloke is like, but I can show you if you want me to." 

Ron's eyes widened. "I-I er, appreciate the offer, but, er, I-I think I'm good for now," the redhead stammered. 

Harry nodded. "That's cool too. I just wanted to let you know that the option's there," he said. Ron nodded awkwardly and went back to his book. Harry sighed quietly enough for Ron to miss it. 

I've really messed things up now, haven't I?


Yup. That happened. *Rubs back of neck awkwardly* So...look forward to the next one? And vote/comment? Also, happy late Veteran's Day to everyone who served, sacrificed, and gave their lives for this country. And thank you to the families of those service members for staying strong in the midst of an intense personal battle...I can relate. 'Merica!

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