A New Friend?

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This chapter is dedicated to @harriesboy who gave me the idea for this! Hope this lives up to what you were hoping for!

Warning - a little bit of mxm nudity here, so you have been warned.


Ron sighed and put his broom away in the shed. His helmet hung over his arm; he couldn't stand that thing any longer. It gave him headaches. Speaking of headaches

His conversation with Harry had been bothering him constantly ever since it happened. I can show you...the words echoed in his head. Ron wanted to be shown, but he didn't want to risk his friendship with Harry. If I say yes to him, things'll just get awkward, he reasoned. 

He shook his head as he traipsed through the mud. He had stayed after the game with the Ravenclaws to clear his mind a bit. "Hey!" a voice called behind him. He jumped slightly and whirled around, ready to grab the wand hidden in his sleeve. He relaxed when he saw that it was just Jason Samuels, a former Ravenclaw Beater who had stayed after he graduated to help coach the team. 

"Hey, Jase," Ron greeted. The 20-year-old smiled and jogged to catch up with Ron. "What are you still doing here?" he asked the red-head. Ron shrugged. "Thinking. Or clearing my thoughts. One of the two," he replied. Jase chuckled in response. "I understand that. Can I help any?" 

Ron bit his lip before nodding slowly. "Maybe...are you gay?" he asked, looking sideways up at the man. It occurred to Ron that Jase was slightly taller than he was, despite Ron being pretty tall. Jase looked confused. 

"...yes?" he replied, clearly questioning Ron's inquiry. Ron shrugged. "See, I'm questioning my sexuality, and my friend offered to help, but I'm afraid of losing what we already have," he explained quickly. Jase chuckled and nodded in understanding. "Classic story," he said. 

The two players walked towards the changing rooms in a comfortable silence. Ron ran a hand through his hair and observed the dried dirt that had fallen into his hand. "It seems I will need to shower," he muttered to himself. Jase nodded. "Indeed." 

The older man shook his head, spraying dirt everywhere. "I think I also need to shower," he commented. Ron nodded, mind and heart racing. Is he implying what I think he's implying? Ron asked himself. 

Jase suddenly grabbed Ron's arm once they reached the changing rooms, causing the ginger to stop and look at the former Beater. "I can help you," Jase said soberly. Ron shivered slightly, partly in fear and partly in excitement. "You won't tell anyone?" he asked. Jase nodded. "My lips are sealed," he replied. Ron bit his lip, took a deep breath, then nodded. It wouldn't hurt anything, right? 

Jase's fingers trailed down Ron's arm as he let go of the limb, causing Ron to shiver a little harder. "Relax," Jase whispered. "I won't do anything you don't want me to do." Ron nodded to show his recognition of the statement, and to give Jase permission to move forward. 

Jase unbuckled the chest guard, allowing Ron to breathe freely again. Despite the protection it provided, Ron wished he could ditch the annoying piece of gear. It practically crushed his lungs. Ron rolled his shoulders as the leather came off...that chest guard was heavy, too. The shoulder plates came off with the chest guard, a result of some tampering with the uniform on Ron's part. 

Jase chuckled. "I did that too," he said, looking at the offending gear on the floor. Ron smiled softly. 

Jase's next touch startled the ginger, as there was now no leather to block the sensation. The Beater's fingers deftly worked the ties on the sides of the over-robes, tickling Ron's sides. Jase pulled the fabric over Ron's head and laid it carefully on the bench in front of the showers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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