Chapter 1

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"Ethan is coming over soon!" Eli said with excitement "I haven't seen him the whole summer and he's finally back!"

Ethan, my sister Eli's older boyfriend travelled with his family to go visit his extended family in Hawaii for the summer break.My sister had obviously missed him but they called each other from time to time during the summer.But she was also excited to be starting off the new school year as the hottest couple in school.My sister and Ethan had been dating for about 1 year now but they truly love each other,I have nothing against their relationship but I have had a crush on Ethan ever since I started high school and who could blame me he's tall,olive skin,dark brown hair,hazel eyes that you could wander in for hours,his the most popular guy at school and he's captain of the football team.My sister was really lucky.All girls wanted to be with Kyle including me.

"Hello earth to Lara" she said waving a hand in front of my face.I had completely zoned out.

"Sorry I was just- " as if on cue Ethan slammed my sisters bedroom door open.

"Miss me?" he grinned with amusement.

"Yes baby,you don't even know how much I missed you,your body,your lips,your touch" she then proceeded to push her face against his and kiss him,deepening the kiss and all you could hear were faint moans escaping their mouths.

"Get a room" I spat out,cringing so hard as if I was about to vomit.

"You're in mine" she giggled before breaking the intense kiss.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.

"Did you miss me Lara?" I was shocked by his question,why would he care,I know he was my sisters boyfriend but we never quite talked that much.Since they would always be sucking each other's faces off.

"I missed peace and quietness,since you were gone Eli couldn't stop talking about how much she missed you and how hot you are "

"Is that so?" He gave me a grin before focusing his attention on my sister again.


Some time had passed and I was third wheeling like usual watching Netflix till midnight with the couple who could not remove their lips from one another's.I just sat on the end of the couch looking stupid and lonely.I mean I had plans and parties to be at my sister forced me to spend the night at home with them.With about a month left of vacation I wasn't too worried because there were plenty more parties to attend.After some more time had passed and it was 10pm Ethan had decided to spend the night.We had managed to watch quite a lot of episodes of friends before calling it a night.Ethan had slept on the couch in the living room for the night I don't know why he had not chosen to sleep in my sisters bed since my parents aren't strict and would be fine with him sleeping in her room but I didn't want to be nosy and ask so I just went to bed.I was woken by the warm smell of coffee and a feast of eggs,bacon,pancakes,waffles,fruit salad and freshly baked bread.

"Yumm" I said with a huge smile,walking down the stairs towards the kitchen.Where my Eli and Ethan sat at the table.

"Good morning Lala" Eli said with a smile. Lala was a nickname my sister had given me ever since I was 2 because I wasn't able to pronounce my own name properly till I was probably 5.I couldn't say the R okay don't judge me,I am one of those special children who couldn't roll their tongue till they were 5.

"Morning" The huge smile still present on my face. "Who made this and why"

"We made it,now are you gonna stand their asking questions or pig out?"

"Most likely pig out" I ran to the table and grabbed a plate and filled it with everything until the food was stacked in a tower on my plate.I love food and I never get fat, I'm not a small,skinny girl,I have curves,a small waist,big butt and nice thighs and I am very greatful for my body although all bodies beautiful.

"Mom and dad are out for the day,do you want to do anything in particular?"

"Together?,as in the three of us?"

"Yes,together as in the three of us." Ethan said with a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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