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Private chat between Jihoe and Gaymin

Gaymin: Jiho...

Gaymin: i need help, but you can't tell your brother

Jihoe: ???

Jihoe: he's your boyfriend though???

Gaymin: ik but this is about him and i REALLY need help

Jihoe: do you want to come over? Jenhoe's not home

Gaymin: sure

Gaymin: be there in 15

New message from Longjun!

Private chat between Jihoe and Longjun

Longjun: is it wrong to have two crushes?

Jihoe: of course not

Jihoe: why

Longjun: i have two crushes...

Jihoe: who? who?

Longjun: promise you won't tell anyone? not even your brother or Ha-eun?

Jihoe: promise

Longjun: they're already dating...

Longjun: it's uh, it's Jaemin and Jeno...

Jihoe: really???

Longjun: please don't think i'm weird...

Jihoe: no it's cute

Longjun: yeah, sure, cute...

Jihoe: oh hush child, you'll see

New message from Gaymin!

Gaymin: open the door, hoe

Author's POV

"Calm your tits!" Jiho shouted as she opened the door.

"What took you so long?"

"I knew you would give me this attitude so I debated locking you out."

Jaemin rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He sat down on the couch in the living room. "Can we talk now?"

"Are we not talking?" She asked as she lied down on the couch, putting her legs on his lap.

"Shut up, this is serious!"

"Okay, okay, tell me all your problems."

Jaemin took a deep breath. Whether it was to calm his nerves or his temper, Jiho couldn't tell. She could be very annoying sometimes.

"I think I like Renjun. But I also still love Jeno."

"That's it?"


"Congratulations, you've realized that you're polyamorous, we're all so proud of you. Anything else?"


"I've had two people come to me with the same problem this week. Go get 'em, Gaymin."

"S-Shouldn't I, y'know, talk to Jeno?"

"Sure, reassure yourself that he's fine with it and then go get your other man. Easy."

"R-right. Easy."

While Jaemin was recovering, Jiho sent a quick message to her brother.

Jihoe: your boyfriend's at the house, come pick him up.

Jenhoe: coming

"S-so if I talk to him, it'll be okay?"

"Yes, that's what I've been saying."

"Thanks Jiho."

"No problem."

"I'm home, hoes!"

Jiho sighed. "Go talk to him." She patted Jaemin's head, stood up, and left.

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