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    Do you know the feeling of being in a new place? That feeling of being overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time? Nervous about what's to come and sad about what you left? For me, that feeling is long gone. I haven't felt anything near that after the 3rd move. My dad and I have been moving every year since my mom died in 2012, but I don't hate moving a lot. Being in one place for too long brings up bad memories of when my mom was still alive. My dad and I have just moved to Pheonix, Arizona so I can go to Meadview High. Meadview High is a public school known for their girl's basketball program.
    "Honey please, stop spacing out I need help with the boxes!" My dad yells while straining to get a heavy box out of our U-Haul.
    "My bad," I say as I lift the box out of his arms with ease. He looks annoyed as I walk away with the box in my arms
    "Show off," He mumbles underneath his breath as he takes the box labeled pillows to carry into the house.
    The house is brown and ugly like every other house I've moved into the past 6 years. The kitchen is the same with a stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, and other kitchen necessities. The living room is empty besides a TV sitting on the floor which is how it will stay till we decided to move to another place. The only place in the house I even bother to decorate is my room, it being the only place I have to part with and somewhat miss after we move all over the place.
    After the last box is taken inside I decided to go up to my room to try and unpack. Climbing up the numerous amount of stairs I finally reach my room. I open the bright white french doors and walk into my room for at most 6 months. It's my dream room with an ensuite, walk-in closet and a reading ledge right next to the window. I might actually miss this room. Once I get used to my surroundings I start to unpack my boxes grumbling about how redundant this process is if we are going to just move again but I do it anyway knowing my dad will be upset if I live out of boxes for 6 months.
    "Tori! Dinner is ready!" My dad yells from downstairs. Hearing about food I sprint down the stairs and almost roll my ankle. I love food it makes me very happy.

    "Tori, baby, slow down the food isn't going anywhere," My dad says chuckling when he sees me sprinting down the stairs.
    "It is going somewhere dad," I say as I pile the KFC onto my plate. When I turn around from piling food on I see my dad looking at me weird. I look back at him and say, "It's going into my stomach, duh." My dad laughs while he shakes his head at my corny joke.
    "You're better at dad jokes than I am," he pauses to give me a kiss on my head, "Make sure you go to bed soon okay? you don't want to be tired on your first day." I nod my head and watch him walk up the stairs to go to bed. As my dad leaves anticipation and anxiety fills me. I've been the new girl so many times so going to a new school doesn't scare me. What scares me is having to fight for a spot on an elite basketball team, having to get to know how the coaches are, and wondering if the team and I will get along. The only reason I worry is that basketball is my life and moving my senior year causes problems with college scouts especially if you don't get along with your new teammates or get no playing time. I need to get a scholarship or I won't be able to go to college and live comfortably. Finishing off my chicken I shake the thoughts out of my head repeating in my mind that this year is my year. I walk up the stairs and go straight to bed falling into a deep dreamless sleep hoping my chant is truthful.

    I wake up startled when my loud alarm goes off. I jump out of bed ready to tackle my first day of school.
    I run towards my closet and put on the outfit I had set up last night. It is a simple jean jacket with white off the shoulder top, leggings and a pair of my favorite Uggs. After I'm done getting dressed I run downstairs to get breakfast. I see my dad in the kitchen eating dressed in a suit.
    "Good morning dad," I say as I open the refrigerator to see it completely empty.
    "Good morning Tor, Breakfast is on the table I still have to go shopping." My dad says as he sees my disappointed face.
    "How's your morning going so far?" I ask as I shove the pancakes he brought from IHOP in my face.
    "Same as always baby; But you gotta go to school before you're late on your first day," He says as he stands and clears the dishes getting ready to leave as well.
    "Alright, I'm leaving right now. Remember that practice is at 6:45 pm to 8:45," I say as I'm grabbing my backpack and keys.
    "Okay have fun at school and make friends, okay? I have a good feeling about this job." I just smile slightly and walk out the door thinking that I've heard those words too many times to believe them. Every job he has a good feeling for ends up falling out or his desk is too small or some other small mundane reason. I hop into my car and blast the radio to try and think about something else than my living situation. I start my car and try and think how the school is going to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2018 ⏰

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