OHSHC Tamaki x Reader One Shot: Not Afraid

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Your POV

You and Tamaki's moms have been friends for years. when you were visiting Paris your mom thought you two should play with each other. You're both eleven years old.

You and Tamaki were playing outside his mothers apartment building in the streets of Paris. As you jumped rope he tried to figure out how to hula hoop.

"Say _______, how do you do this? I can't seem to figure it out." Tamaki looked at you curiously.

"It's not that hard Tamaki. Any eleven year old should know how!" you said half joking.

"Well it's not my fault I've never seen a real hula hoop until today! I didn't even know people still used these." Tamaki was getting more defensive. You put the jump rope down and walked over to him remembering what your Mom told you before you came:

"Try and be nice to this kid. He doesn't get outside much and basically stays cooped up in the house all day with his mom. I don't think he has many friends,"

So you were now playing with this polite little kid who rarely even left the house, on the ever dangerous streets of one of the worlds largest cities. You started to hula hoop and try to start to teach him. "Wow," he interrupted his lesson already. Fabulous.

"What?" you said trying as hard as possible notto sound irritated.

"Well, you're just really good at hula hooping." Tamaki said with an apologetically innocent voice. He sunk his down, in a way apologizing for bugging you.

You blushed a little and replied "Thanks." Geez, well now you felt bad. You just totally snapped at him and he was trying to be nice. Nice! You really hadn't shown him any kindness yet now that I think of it. You continued planning out your words, "Hey, I'm sure you'll be able to do it. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it."

He looked up again, "You think so?" He flashed big puppy eyes your way.

You replied "I'm sure." in a more casual and sweet tone than earlier.

"YAY!!!" Tamaki says suddenly giving you a hug. AHHHH!!

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" You said to the strange boy.

"Oh I'm hugging you of course!!" He said continually hugging you. He paused and looked you in the eye "Oh I'm sorry. Do you not like to be hugged?" he had a more pouty frowny face.

As he loosened his grip around you waiting eagerly for a response yoi decided to play along. "Yes. I like hu--" and before you could finish he embraced you again this time tighter. As you two stood in the streets hugging, it started pouring.

You both looked up and saw grey clouds in every corner of the sky. You shivered at the sight, thinking it might thunder. Tamaki chivalrously put his arm around you as you each felt the rain hit your skin. "C'mon ______, let's get inside." he said looking into your eyes. You nodded and you walked down the block back to his apartment. You blindly followed Tamaki through the the crowded busy streets. After running on sidewalks and walking up multiple flights of stairs you got into a large building with a light blue and creme color theme. This must have been his house. It looked like someone rich had lived there, and was decorated like you'd see in magazines. As you got further into the house you noticed your hair and Tamaki's were dripping. You shivered and shook slightly from the cold outside while still wrapped in your soaking clothes. Your lips were unknowingly purple, grabbing Tamaki's attention.

"Are you cold?" Tamaki said looking back at you.

You avoided it and decided to put up with it. "No, just kinda wet that's all." You looked at your clothes again averting Tamaki's big eyes.

"I'll get you a towel." Tamaki sprinted off into another room and came back with a towel. "I hope this helps." he handed a pink towel to you. "Are you hungry?"

Wow, for somone my age he's really polite. Much more polite than the boy's in my class.

As you opened your mouth to reply you heard some thunder boom. Oh no... thunderstorms had always scared you. You stood almost frozen as a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. You looked out the window, only shaking more at the thought of a thunder storm here, in such a new and foreign city as Paris. "_______..." Tamaki said. "Are you afraid of thunderstorms?" he said shocked.

You looked back at him with wide eyes and nodded your head. Tamaki looked shocked and said "Hold on, I know just the thing to get you through a thunderstorm." He put his hand out to you, "Come with me." The thunder roared again as you took his hand. He escorted you through some hallways and into a small playroom. I saw a big white grand piano in the corner of the childish toy-filled room. He sat you down in front of the piano and went across the room and grabbed you a big blue blanket. He wrapped it around you, giving you sudden jolt of warmth and comfort. He sat next to you and looked over at you again. "Do you play?" You nodded no and he then began playing the most beautiful music on the piano. You were shocked by his skill and focus and were enchanted watching him play piece after piece. Fortes, crescendos, vibratos, sanatas... all perfect.

When the storm was over he stopped playing and looked over at me. "Did you like it princess?" he said nervously.

I felt happy and replied "It was amazing, Prince Tamaki."

You both giggled at what you'd just said. "Prince Tamaki... I think I'll start making people call me that. Sounds nice."

There was a silence as you sat. "Hey Tamaki," I said trying to catch his attention.

"Yeah?" He said.

"How'd you know that'd relax me during the storm?'' You said.

He smiled. "Just an idea I guess. My mom is usually not in the house during the day, so I'm left alone. I play piano when I'm happy or sad. To be honest the piano really comforts me, so I thought it'd comfort you."

"It did," you smiled a big smile. "Thank you Tamaki."

Your One & Only,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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OHSHC Tamaki x Reader One Shot: StormsWhere stories live. Discover now