Hello I am Damien McDaniel I am a high school student in the 11th I am about to tell you about the most horrific truth you can find. My encounter with Eyeless Jack, the myth, the legend, the slightly annoying teenager, and the canniblistic beast.
Chapter 1:
Damien's POV:
As I was walking into MPC High i felt like I was being watched but everyone was scared of his own brother in this town. Though I did note a guy in a black sweater walking away from the school but I shrugged it off and carried on.
Time skip:3:45
As I was walking to my bus i saw that guy again. He was wearing a black hoodie, a blue mask, black jeans, And black converse's
I was unlocking the door to my apartment since I was legally an adult but turned around to run back to the bus to get my bag with everything in it. Luckely the bus was there but as I got on I saw that kid again sitting in the back. All alone, It was strange but I disregarded it.
Time:12:00 PM
I heard a noise outside and figured it was that stupid alley cat that always hung around outside.
I opened my bedroom window to throw a old boot at it when I saw that kid from earlier, I shuddered from what I saw. The kid was eating it cats organs! Starting with it's Kidney and moving all the way up to its lungs before noticed me standing there. his mask was up and all I saw was a Horrific being I couldn't discribe. A large gaping mouth full of dagger like teeth covered in blood. Pieces of the small animal's entrails still in its disgusting face. Thats the only thing I saw before I blacked out.
Time:6:53 PM
When I awoke I felt sore and light headed. When I noticed I had a burning sensation in my lower right abdomen. When I lifted my shirt I saw a small incesion that was quickly sewn up. When I looked up I saw the Blue mask of whatever the hell I saw last night. The only thing it did is lift up it's mask and eat something strangley familiar. My Kidney was missing and this, thing was eating a raw piece of meat. I put 1 and 2 together and got 4. "What the fuck are you!?" Was the only thing that came out of my mouth before blacking out again.