Chapter 7

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"Bill! Bill, you can't go in there. This is crazy." Beverly cried out to Bill as he was about to step into Neibolt house. He sighed and turned to us. "Look, you don't have to come in with me, but what happens when another Georgie goes missing, or another Betty or another Ed Corcoran or one of us? Are you just going to pretend it didn't happen like everyone else in this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there, his clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals but he isn't. So walking into this house for me... it's easier that walking into my own." We all stared at him in silence until Richie gasped "Wow."  "What?" I asked and he turned to me "He didn't stutter once." Richie started walking up to Bill and we all started following suit when Stan said "Wait! Uhhh, shouldn't we have some people keep watch, just in case something bad happens?" Bill stared at him before sighing and asking "Wh-wh-wh-who wants to stay out here?" We all raised our hands except for Beverly, she looked at me with pleading eyes and i rolled my eyes and put my hand down, i then nudged Richie who saw me with my hand down, he grumbled something than said "Fuck."

We all decided to pull straws and unfortunately me, Eddie and Richie pulled the short ones. As we walked inside the creepy ass house i looked to see a dusty piano and a rat running across, i curled my face up in disgust as Richie complained "I can't believe i pulled the short straw you guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks." I rolled my eyes at him as Eddie groaned in disgust "Shut up, Richie. I can smell that." Eddie gagged as i understood what he was talking about, it smelled like death. "Dont breathe through your mouth." Richie stated and i knew a joke was coming on "Home come?" "Cause then you're eating it." Richie answered and Eddie gagged again and used his inhaler. I rolled my eyes again oh god  i' m turning into Eddie I thought as Richie walked to another corner of the room and grabbed what looked like a piece of paper, he looked at us with a scared expression "What?" Bill asked Richie and Richie started muttering "It, it says I'm missing." He pointed at the paper to show a missing kids picture, with his face on it.  "Y-y-y-you're not missing, Richie." Bill said and i nodded "Richie your right here, your not missing" But he kept shaking his head "Then why does it say it there, it's my shirt, that's my air, that's my face..."  "Calm down, this isn't real." Bill said and i put my hand on Richie's shoulder, "Richie..." but he kept freaking out "That's my name, that's my age, that's the date..."  "This isn't real, Richie." I said but he stared at me with tears in his eyes  "What the fuck? It says I'm missing Am I missing?" He cried and i grabbed his shoulders and made him look at me "Look at me, Richie. Look at me. This isn't real. IT's playing tricks on you. Your right here with us, with me" I said softly and i hugged him, he nodded, throwing the paper behind him as we all headed upstairs, as we kept walking i heard a soft voice "Hello? Hello? Help me please" We all started walking faster up the stairs, i looked behind me to see Eddie inhaling his inhaler, i came down and said "Come on wheezy, it'll be alright" He glared at me for the nickname but smiled slightly and walked up with me, we go up to see Betty Ripsom in the corner of the room, dried blood on her face and matted in her hair "Betty?" Bill asked as Richie also said "Ripsom?" As they neared the door Eddie and I followed, when he suddenly stopped "do you hear that?" He asked me and i shook my head "No i don't hear-" But was cut off when i heard children giggling "Oh fuck" I said looking for the source of the noise, when i see the room Bill and Richie are in start to close "Eddie" I cried pointing to the closing door and we both tried to run to the door but it immediately slammed close. "Guys? Guys! - Guys!" Eddie and I screamed as we heard muffle shouts from the other room "Eddie! Y/N!" I heard Bill say as Richie screamed "What the fuck! Y/N!" I looked at Eddie and tried pushing the door open again, but i heard someone breaking and i looked at the floor, it was falling apart "Eddie back up" I said slowly and we both stepped back, and right away the floor broke apart which opened a big hole in the floor.  "Time to take your pill, Eddie." I heard a raspy voice say and i turned around to see a giant zombie like creature. I screamed and turned to Eddie, but he was standing still "Eddie?" I asked but he suddenly screamed and his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell, I went to grab him but he slipped from my grasp at the last second and fell in the what looks like a kitchen. I quickly got ready to jump but suddenly the floor closed "You motherfucker" I screamed and started to run down the stairs when suddenly a hand came out of the stairs like a fucking zombie and grabbed my leg, it looked like the clowns hand "Let go you asshole!" I screamed and jerked my leg up, but i lost my balance and fell down the stairs, everything went black.

Richie POV

I heard more screaming and i banged my fist against the door "Y/N,Eddie!" I yelled but the yelling abruptly stopped. "Y/N!" I screamed and banged the door. "We'll get them back Richie" Bill said and I nodded, as we looked for a way out I heard two voices "Hiya Richie." Y/N and Eddie said simultaneously and they giggled like little kids before disappearing behind what looks like a drape, i headed into the room, relieved to see that Y/N was alright, and Eddie to you know "Eddie. Y/N Where the fuck are you. We're not playing hide and seek, dipshit's" I complained as i hear more giggling, "Richie?" I hear Bill say as i turned to him, but suddenly the door slammed shut "Richie!" I heard Bill yell and i pounded on the door "Bill, open the door." I cried and i heard a muffled voice say "It won't open. What's going on? Richie!"

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