Chapter 29

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For the past week, me and Walker have been doing our best to help make Ari feel better. Jack's always with her and she's always at Walker's house with us. Her mom has been on buisness on and off since the day they found out and Ari just needs a break.

She's been listening to a lot of poems lately. Sometimes we listen with her but they're depressing at the beginning and even though they're uplifting at the end, I hate knowing how sad she is and they just remind me of that.

Since she's so obsessed with this poet Shan Koyczan, we keep looking for ways to see or meet him for her but we can't find days. She kinda just memorized every single word and watches his performances on YouTube. We're going to another VidCon event tomorrow and i really hop it makes her feel better.


Everyday is longer than the day before; i began to hate everything around me and listening to a lot of Shane Koyczan, my favorite poet. Something about his writing gives me hope.

"Are you excited for VidCon tomorrow?" Walker's little sister asked me, handing me a bowl of chicken noodle soup.

"I took the bowl and looked at her "I'm really excited! Are you going?"

She nodded "I've only been to a few events and my mom wanted me to hang out with you guys because I sit in my room on tumblr everyday"

We both laughed "Do you want to do something?" I asked her "I'm kinda alone here....."

"What do you want to do?" she asked.


"What do you want to do?" Ari asked me.

I didn't know Ari that well before she moved because I was so young; I just knew her as one of the girls Walker was always with.

"I'm kinda on somewhat bedrest because I was just diagnosed with diabetes so lets go see a movie or something?" I suggested.

She nodded "Sorry I haven't asked about that, I've been kinda living ina hole ofr a while." She apoligized.

"You don't have to apoligize!" I said and we walked upstairs so we could go to the movies.

I felt so bad for her. I wanted to do something to help but I've never been in this situation and I don't know anyone who ever has been. My mom told be to bring some soup to her because she thinks Ari is a good kid and she knows Ari's mom; she has a reputation for running away from her problems, for all we know, she could've moved for another reason other than her job.

"What do you want to see?" Ari asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"The Giver?" I suggested "I heard it was good."

She nodds and we buy our tickets and popcorn.


Me and Ari really bonded within the 2.5 hours we were together. After the movie, we went to Target and bought nail poslish with the best names, candy and some clothes together. She told me about Jack and we gossied about Ava and Walker. A few times, we would pretend to hide from strangers and pretend some of them were bad guys.

Sometimes, it was hard to tell she was so depressed. Until she saw a girl, who was about 7 and her father walking down the isle holding hands.

"Let's go check out" I pulled her to one of the registers. We paid and left.

The car ride home was okay. We jammed out to 5 Seconds of Summer but it was differen than when we were together before. We stopped infront of my house and both got out with our bags, but before we walked though the front door I stopped her and said "I'm always a phone call away." with a hug.

"Thank you so much, for everything." She whispered into my ear and hugged be back.

"WHERE WERE YOU GUYS!?" Walker screamed when we walked in the door.

"Did you ask mom?"

"Well......" he dragged out the word "no" he laughed.

I told you to!" Ava yelled to him and laughed.

"So what'd you guys do?" Jack asked us.

"We saw the Giver and went to Target." I told them and me and Ari looked at each other, burtsing out into laughter.

Walker shook his head "I have no idea what to do with you crazy children."

"Lauren, you should get to bed"my mom said.

"We'll do our nails after!" Ari shouted up the stairs to me as I jogged up to my room.

I really hope they find her Dad soon.


I can always see a hint of sadness in Ari's eyes, even if she seems to be in the best mood possible.

I hope they find her Dad soon.


I hate to see her like this, I know she's trying her best to forget about everything but I know her; shes fighting day by day.

I hope they find her Dad soon.


I'm glad someone can make my sister happy when she's going though a tough time; I just wish she could make herskef happy.

I hope they find her Dad soon.

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