First to Forever

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Lets start~

Siwon Pov

My name is Choi Siwon, I'm 28 years old. I live in a house which is very luxurious and extremely huge. I'm a leader or in the other word I'm the President of one of the biggest company in seoul, SW Cooperation. Every body admires me. They like to adore my face, ya..I know, I'm very handsome, with black thick eyebrows, pointed nose, black onyx eyes, two dimples that could make people envy, thin lips with bow shape and tanned skin also muscular body. That I can get many or any woman to be my lover and they gladly would be.

But, that's all just my dream. The fact is really unimaginable, with all power and my handsome face, I'm all alone. No one is interesting or atractive to me right now. I'm still looking for someone who can make my world spin for the first time I met. Ya...I believe in love at first sight. Therefore, I ignore all of people saying about me until the day I met him.


As you know, I have a care and always drive it to my office. But I dont know what happend to me that day. It's my bad I think, my car was out of gasoline. It was late at night and all my staffs has already gone and to additioning my miserable day it's raining all of sudden. Crap... I dont have any umbrella. So, I decided to run to the nearest bus station or I would never get home. I kept running until my body was soaking wet. The rain is really heavy, finally I got to the station and found a cab. But, I just realized, I wasn't alone, there was also someone who was sitting alone. I was dombfounded, my mouth and my eyes were wide open.

For a moment, I thought that someone was a girl. He was really beautiful. With fair skin thats shining among randrops, round brown eyes looks like a doll, sharp nose, and those red plump lips that kissable. Ugh... He's so adorable. and that time I think, finally I found him. I found the only one I've been searching for. He is the one I would spend my life with. I know its ridicolous, I can't help it... he drove me crazy.

I keep staring at him without paying attension that he was looking at me. I'm back to the earth and blinked my eyes several times. I saw him smiling at me and asking me to take a sit and when his smiled I can feel butterflies were flying around my stomach. I couldn't resist because I really need to sit and of course, because of the beauty in front of me. I sat next to him. I was too nervous to ask him. But, I dare my self. It's the time Choi siwon, there's no point of return. it's now or never...I collect my brave and said my words.

"Hey,,,do you believe in love at first sight?" I asked carefully. I know it's sound stupid. But it's OK though. I stare at him for a moment. then I look down, I know he didn't want to answer it. I was sure that he thought it is a stupid question after all. But to my surprise he answerd it.

" Well, If you give me a good reason maybe it will make me believe it." He smiled again and glance at me. Oh my god, I can't help it. I wanna make him mine. And once again, I Choi siwon was stutered by the smile. I smile at him the sweetest smile ever and said.

"Even your hair is wet and your clothes are mess. I can say that you're still beautiful, I'm sorry for being rude, I don't mean to insult you because you're guy, i just.."

"Thank you, never mind. I appreciate that." He cut me off all of sudden. I was surprise. But I could see the red tint blush is appeared on his chubby cheeks. It more redden because of the pale skin.

"I'm kyuhyun, Cho kyuhyun...nice to meet you." He introduced himself and by lifting his hand to me.

"Oh..siwon, Choi siwon." I took his hand and feel it's so soft. Those slender fingers were fit in my hand.

"nice to meet you, siwon-sii." kyuhyun said, smiling at me. and I grinned widely.

"Nice to meet you too. Kyuhyun-sii.

Though the rain we kept talking anything. It's really fun to chat wit him. He was very expressive and cute. I can't stop my eyes of him. I smiled all the time. I was very happy indeed. From the chatting I know that he's a singer at a cafe. He's just from the cafe and waiting for the Bus. He used to take the bus when he got home from work. I give a big smile , it meant.. i had a chance to meet him next time. By take bus before going home, we made a promise that we would meet again.

Flashback end

It's been seven years since our first meeting. I knew everything about him and so did he. We built our relationship with love, trust and faith. we never couldn't be seperated. I believe in love that we pursue is an endless. I couldn't believe that I've been so in love with him. Never did I think that I wanna have someone else. He's everything. He's the most precious thing that I have and I dreamed of. My happiness is him. He is all..

Now... I'm standing here and waiting for him. I dressed in white suit and well prepared. I'm really nervous. I know, today will come soon. The day when I could have him forever and show the world that he's mine. Only mine.

And there he is, walking slowly toward me. with his white suit that makes him look like an angel. His smile is never fade away. I stare at him without blinking. He's so adorable, he take my breath away with his eyes...and all my nervousness is gone away. then I take his hand and said.

"You're so beautiful, baby...!You're the most beautiful thing I've ever had in my life. I'm the most luckies person to stand by you. Thank you, thank you for making my love complete. Thank you for everything." I kissed hiss hand while staring at him. He smiles and his teary eyes are blinking. He hold my hand tight and replied;

"You are most welcome siwonnie, you are also everything to me. Never leave me, just stay with me forever." I can see a single tears dropped from his eyes.

"For richer and poorer till death do us apart, In sickness, in health you are always in my heart, Till the day we're old and grey. I will cherish and love you in every kind of way for the rest of my live."

When the oath is taken. I kissed my beautiful baby for dedicate our lives to the precious thing we have called Love.

****The End****

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