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Andromeda looked around walking into a room. "Nothing is here" she whispered looking up to the man, seeing he was already looking at her with a mischievous grin. "What are you planning?" The blonde answered a smile tugging at her lips. Leaning down "Dance with me?" Julian whispered in her ear. "We are supposed to be looking for someone" she started then looked around the room. Seeing it was almost empty except for a few people in the corner chatting and Volta standing at the tables eating almost everything "but one dance won't hurt" she smiled and took his hand. The two started to glide around the floor as the band played. Everything was normal, dowing some simple steps and a few spins. Until Julian lifted his partner onto the table, taking her by surprise. Quickly regaining her self she continued on dancing with the red head. Laughing and singing along to the song playing. At one point Andromeda took lead and dipped the taller male a smirk played on her lips as she sung "knowing my fate is to be with you" and brought him back up. "You're full if surprises, aren't you?" Julian spoke with a blush that was hidden by his mask. The song faded to a end as Julian got of the table, reaching out a hand to help Andromeda off. Just as she was about to take it and step off the table was knocked over forcing the witch to fall, along with all the flood that sat upon the table. Looking around for what or who just caused what happened she caught a glimpse of white leave the room. Taking Julian's hand to help her up they ran out knowing it had to be Lucio.

(AN: I know it's nothing like what happened in the chapter, but it's close enough right? Anyways I hope you enjoyed it!)

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