Chapter 8; The Rift Between Us Pt 2

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Marigold hadn't meant to eavesdrop on the two heroes, but she couldn't help it when they were yelling about her. Standing in the shadows of a chimney stack, her blue eyes ricocheted between the pair as they shouted at one another. She wasn't necessarily surprised or even hurt to hear that Scarlett Lady was less than enthused by the presence of a new hero, especially a new female hero. That was bound to make the spotted heroine feel threatened and she couldn't pretend she was a big fan of the other girl either so she supposed that they were even in that regard. She was mildly surprised to see Chat Noir defend her so vehemently, especially after earlier. It warmed her to her very soul that he seemed to believe in her. It was only her stupid moral compass that prompted the girl to step out of the shadows nervously and announce her presence before things got out of hand. It wasn't fair to continue spying on their argument.

"Um... am I interrupting something?" She asked shyly, wringing her gloved hands as two pairs of eyes, one green and one blue immediately flew towards her. Chat Noir straightened up immediately and backed away from the other girl, giving his new partner a strained smile. Scarlett simply huffed and spun away with a toss of her head, giving the new girl her back.

"Hey, Marigold. Um, no. That was... we were just about finished anyway," Chat Noir rubbed the back of his neck and offered the girl a sheepish smile.

Marigold looked between the pair before forcing her feet to carry her across the roof to join them. The tension that hung in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. "You said there was a problem to discuss?" She asked, deciding the best course of action, for now, was to change the subject.

"Right! Yes, um... it's about your power. Golden Glory?" Chat Noir turned to face her more directly but if possible, he looked even more uncomfortable than he had before and a feeling of dread settled in the girl's gut.

"Wh-what about it?" She asked, shooting a glance towards the other girl on the roof. Scarlett still had her back to them but the way her head was tilted made it obvious that she was still listening to whatever Chat had to say.

"Did your Kwami explain what the power was for before you transformed?"

Marigold thought back and gave a faint shrug. "A little bit but we were kinda pressed for time. You were about to be eaten..."

"What did she tell you the power was for?"

"Erm... she said it could be used to heal stuff and give an energy boost where needed," she said after a moment. Chat nodded.

"I talked to my Kwami and he told me more about the power. Marigold, do you know how Hawkmoth infuses Akuma with Dark Energy?" Chat asked. The girl shook his head so he continued. "I didn't think you would. Nooroo, the Butterfly Kwami, has the power to create Champions. He can infuse the Akuma with his own energy and give other people powers to fight for him. But because he is in the hands of Hawkmoth, his energy is much darker and creates villains instead of heroes. Are you with me so far?"

"I think so..."

"Good. Now the Bee has a very similar power, but not nearly as powerful as Nooroo's ability. Obviously, your energy is very pure and good, and when you use Golden Glory, you don't just heal the person and give them an energy boost. You give them a power boost," he explained. Marigold frowned in confusion.

"So like... If I used it on you, it would enhance your Cataclysm?" She checked and Chat nodded emphatically.

"Exactly! Not just my Cataclysm, though; I would be physically faster and stronger as well. So when you purified the Akuma... you also gave it a monster power boost and Plagg, my Kwami, fears that if Hawkmoth darkens that same Akuma again, it will keep your power boost," Chat Noir said and Marigold's eyes widened in horror.

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