The bathroom

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Hello everybody my name is Sierra knightly I am in high school. I'm 18 years old.My story tells of the reality of my high school years. The story really is not about me but more so groups of people.In order to tell you my story I must tell you there's. I have a broken group of friends.We were not always broken but let's face it we are all a little fucked up somewhere.
Anyways back to reality.

I like most teenagers dread going to school. senioritis slowly but then all at once seeps in eventually.

Yep you guessed it I'm in the bathroom.
I don't know about you but the thoughts that race through my head when in the bathroom are the following.
-It's quiet,someone run the water or shuffle so no one hears my tinkle hit the toilet.
-how do girls still possibly miss when we sit,oh yeahhh the clean freaks that hover haha.
-I must look under to see the other persons shoes.I do that because making eye contact with the person you just shit next is unbelievably uncomfortable.
Once I see there shoes I plan on never running into them again at all costs.
My thought were broken up by someone knocking on the door.
"Come on,open up."
I open the door and quickly went to wash my hands. The girl that was in the stall next to me came out and walked straight out. I did an internal gag at what might be living on that girls hands. On the bright side my stinky bottom is not looking so bad now. I walked out to be greeted by my group.

Chao- she is the confused one. Quirky sense of style obsessed with like every fandom. She has brown short hair with color streaks in her hair.

Marj- the bitchy hippie... shes sweet totally love her.She just talks with her hands a lot and complains a lot, but does it in a calm fashion. Oh yea fashion, something she has a lot of.

Lexi-she overthinks everything and has guy issues.
Lena- she is wicked smart . At this point in time we have a love hate relationship. I miss the old her.. how she use to be
I find myself thinking that a lot now that I'm in my last year of high-school...use to be. We've changed and grown so much.
Me on the other probably the most dramatic fun-loving bitch. I party but I carry a lot of mental baggage.
We've all been gay for each other at one point or another. Face it I'm gorgeous haha. I love love love to grab my friends butts which you will see a lot of. I love them but wanted to tap into my dark thoughts of making them disappear. Lena and chao so digged eachother. A few years ago anyone could see the two liked eachother.
We were sitting all around the lunch table
Marj was on her phone using it as a mirror.
Lexi reading on her phone.
A girl named shoe was barking in the ear of chao.
Lena was staring at chaos every move. It was so cute

"Listen bitch what I have to say is more important than anything!" Shoe yelled out

We all just rolled our eyes trying to focus on anything else.
"You made me loose my focus not everything is about you" marj growled and got up to walk away
I just looked down.I learned that if I got involved someone would find a way to blame me for whatever was happening.

Lathen another person who just happened to be obsessed with chao walked up.

"Chao soo are you going to D&D after school?" He asked
"Actually I have plans with her already" Lena said under her breath
All of our eyes shifted to her
I nodded my head and gave her a wink. She rolled her eyes and continued.
"Chao wanna hang after school?" She asked
Flashback ending
And that's were the crush really began

PAUSE ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
News flash Lena only ever has sleepovers with chao cause it's the one time she has an excuse for cuddling her.
I was at my locker that I never actually use... it's just for show. I heard something hard fall. Curiosity took over. I opened the locker and found a really old hand held mirror. A note was attached to it. It read-

-"This mirror has the power to see things for how they really are use it well and you control fate."

I do not really believe in this kind of stuff but we'll see. I then left school all of us going our separate ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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