The Supers

106 4 6
  • Dedicated to Ramona Mason


Her breathes in short fast bursts. 

Her long graceful fingers wrapped around her boys wrist tightly,as if he still was a small child she was terrified to lose.In realty the boy was thirteen,fourteen tops."Mom what is going o-" "sshh!"She sunk her fingernails into his wrist,ever so slightly."Do not speak, or even move unless I tell you to, do you understand?" The boy nodded,his sleepy state disappearing quickly. He baddly wanted to ask what was going on and- "Wait here while I go get Waverly,"she hissed into his ear.

The woman exhaled her breath almost relaxed her boy was safe outside, all she needed to do was get Waverly. She let her guard down for a few seconds. All was well all she needed was Waverly and the three could leave forever, she felt out a relived sigh. Her tense shoulders relaxed now breathing calmly. A big mistake. Her shoulders tensed and she knew they knew.The alarm wailed loudly screaming lile a ban-shii. The woman no longer tried to sneak down the hall leading to her daughters room.


A steel door slammed shut where Waverlys door would have been.The woman thrust her body to the door with all her might."Nooo..." She sank to her knees. "WAVERLY!" She pounded on the door knowing it was no use, it was sound proof. She picked herself up the ground wipeing her tears. Sobs racked her body.

Time is running out, she knew. 

"I'll be back Waverly,"she sobbed and turned her back on her daughter. None to soon either because the howling of the dogs became so close that she could hear the less easier voices of her husband and Nixon. She shot through the halls of the mansion.The lead dog Grunge the womans favoirt pounced on her. It didn't register that this woman was the woman who nursed him from a bottle until he could eat foods, or that she saved him from the other masters. No it did not understand, all it knew was to capture at all costs.

He had no guilty concisios,Vixon made sure of that.

It attacked biting and thrashing trying to take her down.All those years the woman spent with Grunge youd think that shed at least feel remorse for what she had to do.But she didnt hestitate to suck the will to live right out of him."Mom please wheres Wav-"she grabbed her sons hand and ran. It would be a long night with only so many hiding spots in the tundra. 

"Run talk later!" Was all she managed to say. In about an 45 minutes the super heros would come and in pick them up, another couple hours the superhero would take them to their base. Rosealine would do the final act of betrayal to her husband, and she would embrace it. For the kids.

Chapter one

The boy with green eyes is with Mr.Freeze. This is not what I expected, I thought the boy with the surfer dude look perfected would be here. Guess he didnt make it in.Or wasnt even a super, he must of stumbled in looking for the bathroom or something although he was kinda hot he didnt look to bright. Instead the boy with green eyes made it and I know Chay wont be to happy, he doesnt look a day older then 13 she was hoping for a hunk.

"Care to introduce yourself," Mr.Freeze asked the boy."Im Leo 14 in three monthes."

Only people who selfconconcious about there age said thing like that.He had good reason too, with his roundish cheeks and wet behind the ears kinda look. 

"Yippie yi a!" Chay mocked with a sour look on her face in a whisper. I roll my eyes and Leo looks right at me looks away and starts to babble about his life at Mr.Freeze request. I dont pay attention until Mr.Freeze says my name. "Sorry can you repeat thet Mr.Freeze?"

"I was telling Leo youll show him around and, Chay move back there Leo move were Chay was..good. Class pull out your Superhero textbook and..."

It was recess and Mr.Freeze left the room seeing it was our time to do whatever. Seeing we are risk to 'normal kids'and blah blah blah we could risk being "discovered" and or hurt someone. Derek aprouched,"So what can you do Leo?"He said in a voice that sounded like 'you cant impress me no matter what you do'.The whole class crowed around Leo "Yeah,what can you do?"

I gave Derek an icy glare that he ignored, being really new too I sympathize with poor Leo. 

Derek was acting rude but how could Leo know?Being new and all.

"Here I'll show you."

Leo was fast not inhuman fast like Derek but the kind that takes you by suprise, so you dont react kind.Leo barely touched Derek in the middle of his forehead but Dereks eyes rolled into the back of his head,closing his eyes and crashing to the floor,passed out.We all stared at him but I looked up and some people did too.What we saw made my skin crawl.

Leos face wriggled shifting and it made me want to puke just watching, maybe like 20 seconds later (okay more like 10) Leos face settled down.But not into his own but the handsome grown up face of Dereks."Wow Check this out!"In Dereks deep voice,and Leo tears across the room in Dereks inhuman speed,his ability. 

He zooms across the room unaware of the frightful cries of his classmates. Leo skids to a stop after going around like 10 times but to us seemed more like 6.The others like Nate try to shield Derek from him but theyre to scared and with quivering lips they back off.

Even Ari my best friend who is like not scared of anything takes a small 

step back.Leo brushes Dereks forehead after and his face wriggles, and Derek wakes up gasping for air like a fish out of water, thrashing.

When he recovers enough to stumble back he yells,"Freak!Get! 


He starts a whole uproar of the class and they say pretty hateful things. "Hey,stop it he's hes just a kid-" And the one person who I thought would never turn me did. 

"Shut up Sare your only sticking up for him cause he's like you!"Aris  

comment stings and my eyes prick 

with tears."They're dark!They're spirits are dark,"Angie smuggly smiles at me.Shes been trying to get me kicked out these past 6 monthes because my ancestry.

Guess she's not afraid to take advantage of a situation.

I feel myself slipping away. 

No stop I yell inside my head,Sara stop-to late... Ari gets all up in Sarakanda's face. Shes saying some ugly things about me and my powers and before she's even done I know Sarakanda wont stand for it. 


"How dare you-you piece of human filth!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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