Chapter 17

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Waiting is not one of my strong points. Michel teases me about it almost every time I go to visit him. I can spend hours pouring over photos and reports, teasing out every detail. Expect me to wait around for hours on end, and you better have something to keep my mind occupied or I will start to pace the floor within half an hour.

After three days of observation on the warehouse, Andrew knew enough about the movements inside the warehouse to label it as a nest. There had been no more bodies found that matched the vampire I was hunting. I had to consider that she had moved on, or reverted to the traditional method of vampire kills.

Dawn on the fourth day brought the news I had been waiting for. Nathan and Charlotte had spotted a vampire they didn't recognise. They sent a photo through to my phone. Even in my bleary-eyed, half-awake state I could recognise the vampire in the picture. It was here. I sat upright, my body coming to full alert in a matter of seconds. My fingers flew over the screen of my phone as I called Jason. "She's inside?"

"Yeah, she is. I take it she's the one you're hunting?"

"She is. Are you and Charlotte holding up okay? Or do you need time to sleep?"

"We'll be fine. Tony and Amos are due to replace us in about an hour."

"Okay, So what are we facing in there?"

"I've counted twelve vampires including your girl."

"Twelve. Okay. Plan for an attack just before sunset, but be prepared to go in earlier. If we know she's there, chances are she knows we're watching her."

"Okay. I'll give you a full report when I get back."

I ended the call and walked to the window to watch the end of the sunrise. The colours seemed more intense than I remembered them being for a long time. It was a sight that brought back memories. Many of which, I would rather forget.

My phone beckoned me. It was time I made some new sunrise memories. Yet I stayed where I was, my feet glued to the floor. I remained where I was for several minutes before I could move again.

The door to my room creaked on its hinge as it opened and someone walked inside. I didn't need to turn around, the fluttering of my Mori told me who it was. "We don't get sunrises like this in Lyon. Too much pollution, it affects the light."

"Maybe not. I've seen some stunning sunrises the few times I've been there." His hands grasped my shoulders and spun me around to face him. "Some of those were even while you were there."

Luke's hand left my shoulder and curled along my jaw. His thumb brushed over my lips, setting off small sparks within me. My eyes found his and widened as I saw the warmth in their deep green depths. The level of emotion I saw there took my breath away. My feet moved of their own accord until I was inches away from him. His arms wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me closer. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met Jaynah. Stay with me. Be my mate. There's no one I want more than you. Hasn't been since the day we met."

I started to speak, but he put a finger to my lips. "Say nothing right now. I can wait until this vampire is dead." He pulled back and took both my hands in his. "Now. What got you out of bed so early?"

He released me from his embrace so I could get my phone. The photo of the vampire was still active, making it easy to bring it up again. "This woke me about twenty minutes ago. I wanted to give you some time with Tamara before I came to you with it."

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