Chapter Five (Today Is Going To Be A Tiring Day)

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The next morning, everyone was sitting at the huge table by the kitchen, everyone except for Mason of course. 

My father had eggs and bacon, while Crystal just had an apple and orange. Max had pancakes, while I just ate a granola bar. 

"So mind tell me why you aren't hungry ever since we came here?" My father asked me curiously, and I just sheepishly smiled. "Well, I just dont happen to be hungry, that's all..." 

My father just looked down and shook his head, and I rolled my eyes, stuffing the entire granola bar into my mouth. 

"So how was the bed last night? Hope it didn't bite." Crystal teased, giving me a smile that showed all of her perfect white teeth. Too perfect. 

"Aha... Well, no it didn't, and fine." I said looking down. I was a horrible liar, and I didn't want Crystal to find out. "Oh that's good to hear... And good news, the movers are coming earlier than expected! They will be here around 5!" 

I just nodded, but on the inside I was so relieved! I didn't want to sleep on another suitcase, or in Mason's room! I just wanted my ordinary bed back.

It was 10 in the morning, I had plenty of time to go do other things before the movers arrived. After a while, I excused myself from the table, and went upstairs to my room. I grabbed two towels, and headed for the bathroom. 

I opened the door and walked inside, and I gasped. My mirror was completely smashed, my brushes destroyed, my make up smeared across the counters, and my hair products all emptied at the sink. My shampoo was all drained out, and there was a full bottle of dog shampoo next to my emptied shampoo bottles!

"That stupid son of a-!"

"Maybe next time you'll lean to never get in my way. And I would love to hear what you were saying about me." I heard an amused voice from behind me. I turned around, and Mason was leaning against the door frame, smirking. 

"Why did you do this to all my stuff?!" I asked mad. His smirk just got wider, and I bet he thought he was pretty funny right now. 

"Well someone has to teach you a lesson, 'sweetheart', and I just thought your make-up didn't help cover up your face, so I just destroyed it since it wasn't helping anyway." He said smirking. 

I balled my hands into fists, and they were shaking with fury. "If I were you, I would rather spend my money on breast implants." He said, grinning at me cockily. 

"What the hell is your problem?! I just had to use your bed for ONE night, and you flip out! Are you on drugs or something?! Get out of my room!" I screamed, and he only laughed. "Oh, is somebody mad?" 

And before I could stop myself, I grabbed a vase and threw it as Mason. But before it could smash against his head, he caught it. My mouth fell open, and he smashed it with his hand. "Your going to have to be a lot quicker and smarter to actually catch me off guard." 

I just stood there, gawking at him, while he just smirked. "This is only the beginning 'sweetheart', I would watch my back if I were you..." And then he walked away before I could throw my insults at him. 

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