The Story

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In Late october to end spookfest they all gathered around to tell their scariest shocking either true or untrue stories. A guy who goes by the name of Aaron Sheridan walks up to the sturdy wooden stage. He grabbed the mic and did a test run to make sure it was clear. His body language is unsteady making him seem nervous. He takes a deep breath and begins to start his story. "Listen people and listen carefully. This is oddly a true story. It started last october. It may take a while for me to give the story so sit back, relax get comfortable you're in for a long juicy tenderous treat"


In Greenville during october they are always on time with festivals. The civilians were all full of spooky cheer and mischief all for the joy of halloween. Kids dressed in ghost, ghouls, zombies and even vampire costumes. Adults throwing wild crazy lively halloween parties. Families all having a fun time. But there were three individuals who seemed to scare everyone. Mainly because of their oddly orange hair and flaming fiery orange eyes. This is the only time they come out of hiding to enjoy the outside world. Since it's october they have nothing to hide. Their looks are viewed as just halloween costumes. They sat on top of a large truck. Manny Garcia Gabe Thorn and Aaron Sheridan. Manny was abandoned by his Parents with no one to turn to. After he found out what he was no one would ever take him in. Gabe only knew his mother. His father left his life as soon as he was born. His mother never wanted to tell him the truth but once he turned thirteen there was no use in hiding it. Now that he's seventeen his mother felt the need to let him roam free. One day he came back to her house to find that she was murdered by the hands of man. Aaron Sheridan the leader of the three. He only knew his father. His mother wanted nothing to do with him. He lost his father to the hands of the justice system and he vows to avenge his father and his work. Alone with only his band of misfits his dream will finally become reality. Before he met Gabe and manny Aaron felt that there's nothing good about being him. Boredom filled the expressions of the three boys. Manny played with a stick. "This is so dumb. I want to explore" Complained Gabe kicking manny's stick. "Hey I was playing with that" Whines Manny as he hops off the truck to retrieve his flown away stick. "All you do is play,play,play we're teens we should destroy,destroy, destroy!" Protested Gabe. "No I don't! I do other stuff" Said Manny fidgeting with the stick. "Like what? Enlighten me I am dying to know" Said Gabe. Manny froze for a bit trying to think. "Uhh umm you know... stuff. I like my fire" He said as flames emerged from his hands. "Oh that doesn't count. You play with your fire" Snapped Gabe. "Nuu uhnn" "Uhh huhh" They went on back and forth until they have awakened Aaron. "Quiet down both of you I am trying to nap you sound like a bunch of little kids" Snapped Aaron. They both looked at Aaron with disgust. "Nuuu uhhhnn" They both said. "I'm done! I'm tired of this town. I hate hiding when will it be october already" Aaron said as he hops off the truck walking around. He came back to the two and sat on the truck. "Hey Aaron how come you don't like humans?" Asked Gabe. "I think humans are stupid" Said aaron as he fixed his shirt. "Don't give me that crap Aaron. You think dogs and cats are stupid but you would never kill one at first glance now tell me why do you hate them?" Gabe asked once again. "I don't have to tell you jack i'm going back to sleep" Aaron said as he rest his head on the cold truck. "What have humans ever done to you" said Gabe. "well cats and dogs never killed my parents" Said aaron under his breath. "What was that?" Asked Gabe. "Nothing... just nothing i'm sleepy" Said Aaron. His ears hint off a crunching noise that seemed close. The crunching of sticks began to get closer. "Guys be quiet you hear that?" Asked Aaron as he crouched down to hear better and remain quiet. He began to feel movement. "Who's there!" Shouted Aaron as his claws shot out of his finger tips. "Kevin" said an unfamiliar voice. "Do you have the date today sir?" Aaron asked walking closer to the figure to get a better look. "October first" He said. "Well then thanks for awakening the beast" Aaron said as he gotten even closer. The guy felt a weird feeling and tried to escape. In his face were Manny and Gabe. Their eyes looked bloodthirsty. "Please don't do this" Pleaded the guy though the three show no remorse or mercy and began to tear him limb for limb starting with his feet and going up so he could feel every moment of torture. The guy began to scream which the three then howled with laughter. After they finished their first meal of October they decided to head over to the park to see what they are planning. "He tasted nasty" Complained Manny. "Who cares i'm just glad i'm not hungry no more" Said Gabe. "Guys stop look" Said Aaron pointing to a group of men. "Get in your stations men those are lightning guards I know that emblem on their badge from anywhere. They're specialty is killing people like us" Said Aaron. They all went into the their stations. Gabe back flipped behind a giant boulder. Manny rolled behind a tree. Aaron backflipped on top of a boulder. "Guys make sure to be cautious I hear those demon kids are here" Said one of the guards. "Yeah I hear ya they killed four hundred people last year they're true criminals" Said another. "Now!" Shouted Aaron as he leaped off the boulder. Gabe and manny rolled into their positions. "Fire Blaze!" Yells Aaron as a giant force of fire emerges onto his finger tips. He holds it for a bit and throws it at two guards. Manny leaps at one slicing his head off with his claws. Gabe leaped at one and bit its neck tearing a gash into the center. "Ahh get off of me" He cried. Gabe couldn't take his cowardly cries so he snapped his neck. "Man I thought they would be a little more challenging" He said. One of the guards came towards him with his lightning sword but missed. Gabe sliced his arm off and kicked him to the ground. Manny made eye contact with the last one. He ran towards him and sliced through his heart killing him instantly. "Any reason why you kept one alive Gabe?" Asked Aaron who looked shocked. "I wanted to ask him questions but i don't think I will get a peep out of him" Said Gabe. "Damn! Damn! Damn!" Complained the wounded guard as he rocked back forth holding where his arm used to be. "Ugh just kill him" Gabe said. "Wait wait wait i'll talk Damn!" He said as he took a deep breath. "Okay so us guards know of you guys but we haven't the clue of what you guys look like we don't even know your names" He said. "Well my name is Gabriel Thorn these are my compadres Manny Garcia and Aaron Sheridan who might you be?" Asked Gabe. "I'm Paul Dreyer" Said the guard. "Gabe what are you doing now they know our names!" Snapped Aaron. "Do they?" Asked Gabe with a smirk. He looked at the wounded guard in his eyes. Gabe's eyes turned purple as he wiped away the guard's memory. The guard's eyes turned a swirly purple as his memory is wiped away. "Problem solved" Said gabe as he took the guard and buried him by a rock. "Gabriel John Thorn you are a genius" Said Aaron. "Where to next guys?" Asked Manny. Aaron looked at Manny up and down with disgust. "What is it?' he asked "You have something on your shoulder" Said Aaron pointing to a poison dart on Manny's shoulder. He took it out and threw to the ground. "Where did this come from?" He asked. "I have no idea" Another came flying across the forest into Gabe's shoulder. They all look behind them to see the guard shooting darts at them. "You skallywags won't get none of me treasure!" Yelled the guard. "Um Gabe did you washed out his memories or hypnotized him?"Asked Aaron. Gabe seemed to look uneasy. "Um I did a bit of both I thought washing away his memory would be too boring so I replaced his memories with memories of Blackbeard the pirate to spice up his life you know" He said. "So pretty much like in toy story when buzz lightyear really thought he was a space ranger?" Asked Manny. "Yeah just like that it's funny isn't it" Said Gabe who yanked the dart right out of his shoulder as if it didn't faze him at all. "You'll regret coming after me and me pretties" Yelled the guard. "Buzz lightyear? Stop being such children" Said Aaron. Gabe began to get angry and his fist emerged fire. "Aaron I'd rather be a child than some random adult who thinks he's better than me just because you're two years older" Snapped Gabe. Aaron crossed his arms and turned around facing the trees. "Mmhh random adult eh well this random adult is your leader" He says as he continues to face the trees. "Well me and Manny don't need a leader like you. You don't care about us. You just care about yourself and your goal" Said Gabe as he grabbed Manny and stormed away. Aaron watched as his only friends left him. He looks at the guard with disgust. "What? You want to leave me too" Said Aaron. "AArrgh I want me booty safe from the likes of ye" He said as he pulled out his dart gun. "Well you and your booty can burn in hell" Said Aaron has he threw fire at the guard. Aaron walked away as the guard cried for help while being burnt. "What a day" Aaron thought. He walked to inner city where the town crowded. Everyone were getting excited for the first day of october. Aaron walked up to a man who seemed to be really hyped about the events. He tapped his shoulder to catch his attention. The man turned around and screamed at Aaron's face. "Ain't this the best spookfest ever!" He shouted. Spit splashing upon Aaron's face. He quickly wiped the residue off of his nose cheeks and eyes. 'Just let it go Aaron just let it go" He told himself. "Anyways peasant what might this oupla be about?" Aaron asked. "Oupla? Why it's the first day of Spookfest! What? have you been sleeping under a rock?" He asked. "No a tree" Aaron replied. "Spookfest eh" Says Aaron while stroking his nappy beard. "Yeah I'm having a party tonight you should come if you want! Here's my number. Text me for the deets!" He said as he reached into his pocket to hand Aaron a piece of paper with his contact information on it. He put it in his pocket and walked away. He walk to another part of town to see what's going down there. As he walks around he is knocked to the ground by a clumsy girl. "I am so sorry" She says as she offers her hand to pick him up. "It's nothing" He says he gets himself up. He walks away. "I like your eyes" she says stopping him in his tracks. "My eyes" He says. "Yeah I love how unusual they are. It's not often you see people with such bright orange eyes. I can tell they're not contacts are they?" She says while picking up the books she dropped. "No they're not. How did you know?" Aaron asked puzzledly. "My dad works for a contact company he talks about the contacts all the time mainly the different colors and he never had mention an orange fiery contact before" She said. He smiled and gotten closer. "I know this may be going too fast but would you like to have lunch with me?" He asked. Her eyes lit up with excitement. "I would love too" she said. "You know you're the first person to see my eyes for what they are and not freak out" He said. "Well I guess i'm one of a kind" She says as she chuckles a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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