Once upon a time in a small town in the middle of nowhere there was a girl, who went by the name of Geraldean Deadrose. Since she was young she was very different from the rest of her town, they were all communist, they believed that the government should have full control and they didn't have to tell there town anything. So... she tried to speak to them but each time she was told she was too young, year, after year, after year, she stood watching there town grow worse. Until she was 21 years old and she marched right up to them as if she'd been preparing to give this speech all her life (which she had).The doors havent opened in hours and when they finally did Geraldean was being carried out by the guards but she broke free of there prisoner like grasp and spoke the truth upon the town. "Peace is Freedom, Control is Chaos" she shouted and screamed as they marched away from the town who never loved them. They had traveled far and some did not make it but they finally reached there destination that seemed could not come any sooner. It took them years to build their "Perfect society" where the trust was in the people and secrets did not exist. It was hard work but as there town grew so did their culture and traditions ...... life.
Deadrose Valley
Mystery / Thriller"Deadroses live forever"-Autumn Deadrose "Peace is freedom Chaos is control"-Geraldean Deadrose "Family becomes strangers when strangers become family"- unknown